Chapter 4

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> Carmen <

A big smile is plastered all over this girl's face
I was gonna laugh with her when she laugh at the girl Caroline, but I figured that might ruin my image. The girl speak as if it was the happiest day of her life
Her voice was bubbly and playful, she was smiling ear to ear and her face was eye catching, it was the type of face where you'd immediately think that she has a fun and easy going personality. I acknowledge her fun persona and charisma

But my eyes dilated when I saw one of the boys look at her exquisitely, I mean almost every boy here was looking at her but the guy was mesmerized. Not long after I saw him shift his gaze towards the other side

After she was done she paused a bit like she realized something, her smile suddenly began to look different. Like a fox with a good idea she look at everyone and said "Ow by the way! I'm having a party later you guys are all invited." She said and almost everyone in our class cheered

Of course, who wouldn't know Raquellita at a young age she was a model for every popular and luxurious brand. Her brother own the biggest and most influential Architectural and Engineering company to exist and almost everyone in the world knows who she is A rich girl and A party girl

Heck All all of her parties were a big talk on every platform, I attended one but after that I never really had the interest to join their fancy group, I mean sure everyone in this room is born with a golden or silver spoon on their mouth but we're not all spoiled brats who would throw a tantrum whenever we want

Suddenly I remembered how I threw my books at the bathroom after I bump into that Caroline girl

"Stupid!" I threw my book on the floor when I suddenly remembered how irritating I was that I bump into that bi🌷ch, how the f🌷ck can she be so stupid to not even look in the way while I was walking! I cursed every single word I knew

I snap myself back to reality when I remember that I was in class and this wasn't the time to be daydreaming, but soon all thoughts were erased after I saw Caroline. I gritted my teeth in anger as I was looking at her, and like a witch she was she look at me and slightly raised her middle finger


I let myself fall at the soft mattress underneath me as I think about everything that has happened today, it was kind of normal. Nothing special at all

For years my life has always been like this
I never really had anything to hold on to, my sister has a family of her own and my brother is barely around. I'm great full for my life truly but
I'm feeling empty.

I was pulled from my bed when I heard a ring from my phone, I reach for my it and answer it.

"Hello carmen, are you doing anything tonight?" My sister

"No not really, but I am going to have an advance study for myself" I said rubbing my sleepy eyes, I stood up and walk to the bathroom to wash my teeth.

"Carmen..." I heard her worried voice at the other line

"Hmm?" I responded as I wash my teeth

She sigh "Carmen don't you think socializing and making friends with others that are the same age as you might be fun?"

My sister has always been worried about me
Her and my brother were always by my side growing up, but things change and I'm now in high school while the both of them have their own life.

"No, it's okay sis I'm fine. Besides you know I don't like loud noises they irritate me" it was the truth, I really did not like loud noises they irritate me and sometimes even anger me, and I never really like socializing with others. Since the world I'm living in is complicated, people are hard to please and I've always enjoy my own solitude

"Ok...well I have to go but it was fun catching up with my little sister" she said in pure defeat

"Yea" I ended the call

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