The Job of a Host Part 3

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Guests filled the ballroom. Everyone chatted amongst themselves as they waited for the party to start. A spotlight shone in the middle of the imperial staircase. Tamaki smiled. "It's so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs. The host club would like to bid you..." He raised his head and bowed. "...welcome." The chandeliers lit up one by one as the choir began to play. All the guests clapped and smiled as they saw the host members standing in front of them. Kyoya smiled down at them. "As always ladies, the Host Club members are here for your entertainment, so we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on your dancing skills one lucky lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king." Tamaki held his chin as he smiled. "Well good luck to you, my darlings." He held out the hand that was holding his chin and winked at the guests. The guests squealed.

Haruhi looked at the guest in disbelief as the twins stood behind her. "Haruhi, show some enthusiasm." They both said. Haruhi sighed. "Well excuse me, you guys. Sorry, I'm not used to this sort of thing. I've only ever gone to festivals held in my neighborhood park." Kyoya stood by writing on his clipboard. "I don't know if you can really consider that a party or not. Well since you're already here you might as well get yourself something to eat. We've got quite a spread." She perked up at the mention of food and looked at the host with a slight blush on her face. "A spread? With fancy tuna?" Kyoya snapped his pen while all the members of the host club looked at the crossdressing female. Tamaki flipped from the balcony, landed in front of the other hosts and pointed at Kyoya. "Get some fancy tuna here right now!" Kyoya was already on his phone talking to Yuki. "Add some deluxe sushi." Hikaru and Kaoru hugged Haruhi while rubbing their heads on hers. Her face turned red as she endured the embarrassment. Damn these filthy rich jerks. She thought to herself.

Yuzu smiled as she watched the guests interacting. She gazed over to her brother before making her way over to him. Yuki was rearranging the food, making sure it looked perfect. Yuzu stood by him, looked him up and down, then sighed. "Snowflake, not that you don't look immaculate but, a goddess had a chance to design you an outfit to rival all and you choose the simplest design." Yuki gave his eldest sister a side eye before looking down at his formal wear. He saw nothing wrong with his .

He shrugged. "You know my style is simple. I happen to like this outfit and it looks like I'm not the only one." Yuzu tilted her head at him. Yuki glanced behind him and Yuzu followed his stare. A few feet away a group of girls were swooning over her brother. She hummed as a smirk appeared on her lips. Looks like sometimes a simple outfit is all one needs to succeed. Yuki then turned back and looked over his elder sister's outfit. He smirked as he crossed his arms. "I see you made sure Big Sister Yura went all out on yours."

Yuzu twirled. "Of course! As I said, a goddess has chosen to make my dress. Isn't it only natural that this outfit is glamorous enough to be in my presence?" Yuzu was wearing a and. Yuki nodded and went back to looking over the food. "You're right. By the way, have you seen Big Sister Yura anywhere?" Yuzu hummed as she looked around. "No that you mention it I have not seen my dear Petal, nor Isa. Why the mention of her? Concerned?" Yuki shrugged. "A little. I mean you saw the way she left when she saw Hikaru and Kaoru holding Haruhi. Also the fact that she only called us to ask about our outfits. Did you even hear from our brother-in-laws during that week?"

She reached towards the table, grabbed a glass of sparkling juice, and took a sip. "I have heard from them and although they try to conceal it they are as worried about her as we are, if not more. I have never seen her act as she did, even when they ignored her in the past. It was very out of character, no?" Yuki grabbed a glass as well and looked at the guests. "For her, yes. Big Sister Yura isn't the jealous type. I guess we'll have to wait and see." Yuzu nodded at his words as she watched the guests as well.

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