The 4 endings concept

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Okay last thing that's gonna go in this book lol.

From the very beginning I wanted to write 2 endings for the book. Originally I was going to end Home Is Not A House at that and not write a sequel. I continued on but I still knew I wanted to write two endings.

I wanted to write a soft fluff kinda "happy ever after ending" because sometimes all people want is that. I also wanted to write an angst ending because look at the rest of the book, this thing is 97% angst.

I decided to share the original endings (well the concepts) I had in mind, and the two endings I thought of for where the last chapter left off. I hope y'all enjoy, and I hope this brings some sort of closure. I didn't really want to end it like this, but as is such.

1. Original ending, fluff verison.

The original ending was going to be with Tommy packing up his car as he left to go to college with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tommy would be driving his car, Tubbo and Ranboo driving their truck. Tommy would be 18.

They'd be outside in front of the house, Phil being all sappy dad while Wilbur and Techno came back to the house just to help Tommy pack up and say goodbye.

Wilbur would have been living with (and engaged to) Quackity. He'd be working as a musician, and actually making some good money from it. He'd have one of Storm's babies with him and Quackity (Karl and Sapnap are also there, Quackity is engaged to three people now lmao) so he always has a piece of Storm with him. He'd be pretty happy, and actually able to start to get over some of his trauma.

Techno would have been living with Eret and Niki, the three of them having bought a house together. Techno would be working at the college, doing research about Ancient Greek mythology and teaching an English class. He'd be able to bake on the weekends and he got a telescope to be able to study the stars at bit.

Both of them come home for weekly dinners and a movie night.

But Tommy was ready to go to college, his mental health was the best it had ever been. He was excited to go with Tubbo and Ranboo too, though the college was hours and hours away. It was going to be scary to be away from Phil and his brothers, but Puffy was able to transfer agencies to the college town. Just until Tommy finished college at least.

And Storm was going with Tommy. One of her babies would be staying with Phil.

So Phil was able to let Tommy go. The house was going to be quiet, but he was ready for a bit a quiet. He loved his boys but the years of chaos was catching up to him, so a bit of quiet would do him well before all his hairs turn grey. He still invites everyone to the weekly dinners, and people show up when they can.

Things were good, all of them were happy, they were able to heal enough to be able to move forward. Life was the best it had ever been.

2. Original ending, angst verison.

The angst ending was going to be Tommy sitting in therapy, but not with Dr. Simon. It would be a completely new therapist, because Tommy didn't live in town anymore. Tommy actually hadn't spoken to his family in a while.

In this ending Tommy would be 20, and after he turned 18 he moved out to California. He lived in the same town they visited years before. He actually didn't speak to Tubbo or Ranboo anymore because he moved out here, neither of them could visit this place again let alone deal with the fact that Tommy willingly went back to a place that caused them pain.

He didn't talk to his brothers anymore because before he left he got into a fight with Phil. He fought with Phil because Phil didn't want him to move so far, especially since his mental health never really got better. Tommy said he didn't need anyone to watch over him, Phil said he was just worried. Tommy yelled at him not to be worried, and said he never needed him to worry.

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