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(Requested by BillMclaughlinJr)

Concept: Kaminari and Jirou are good friends. Kaminari asks Jirou for flirting advice, but their attempts don't exactly go as planned.

(Kaminari's POV)

"Please, Jirou? I really need your help."

"Why are you asking me? You do realize I'm not good at it either, right?"

"You're the only person I can go to about this stuff. I can't ask my guy friends."

"And why not?"

"Their flirting styles consist of corny jokes and pick-up lines. I've tried. It doesn't work."

She groans, "Fine. I'll help you, but just so you'll stop bothering me."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Jirou's my best friend, and I'm not afraid to go to her for advice. Especially dating advice. I think she gives good advice, but I wouldn't really know because I haven't been able to use most of it. I can't even get a girl's number. Gosh, I'm hopeless.

After talking to Jirou, she suggested I go try stuff out at a bar or a club or something. I thought that was a pretty good idea, so I went to get ready right away.

I came back to her place after I was all dressed and ready.

She opened the door, looking surprised, "What? You gave up already?"

"No." I say, "I haven't left yet. I thought you were coming with me."

She scoffs, "You want me to go with you to talk to girls? And what am I gonna do? Sit in the corner and watch?"

"No, just..." I sigh, "Please? I want you to come with me."

She stood there with her arms crossed, "Fine. But you're buying me a drink."


(Jirou's POV)

I was not planning on getting dressed up and going to a club today, but here we are.

Kaminari and I sat down at the bar where he got me that drink he promised. I sat there, sipping on it while he just sat there quietly scanning the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask, "Go out there and use those skills."

He nervously taps his foot, "I don't know...Can I practice with you or something?"


"Just pretend we've never met before."

I sigh as he turns around, only to turn back and face me again.

"Hey there, beautiful. You come here often?" He leans against the table, cocking an eyebrow.

I did my best not to laugh, "Really? That's your first line?"

"Aw, what? What should I say then?"

I cross my legs, leaning back, "You know, the pick-up line that probably works best is simply, "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Kaminari. What's your name?"

He scoffs.

"I'm being serious." I say, "Girls get tired of that corny stuff. I thought you knew that."

He clears his throat, "Alright. Let me try again."

He takes a quick breath.

"Hey, gorgeous. I'm Kaminari. What's your name?"

I went along with it this time.

"Hey, Kaminari. I'm Jirou. Tell me about yourself."

He already got nervous, "W-Well, you might know me as the hero Chargebolt, with the electrification quirk."

"Hero, you say."

"What about you?"

"I'm a hero as well. Earphone Jack. I don't know if you've heard of me."

He leans back, a little more relaxed now, "Ah, yes. Earphone Jack, the hearing hero. I've heard plenty about you, but I'd love to hear more."

I break the act again.

"You think that's gonna get a girl to fall for you?"

"Well, I think I'm quite charming and good-looking, and...I'm running out of ideas here, Jirou."

"Then make something up. Remember, we just met."

"Right." He sucks in a quick breath, "You don't think I'm charming? Here, let me show you."

He suddenly grabs me by the wrist and starts pulling me towards the dance floor.

"Wait, no- Kaminari-"

"Come on, it'll be fun."

Before I could say anything else, he had me in dancing position.

"I've been taking lessons in my free time." He says, leading the dance.

He held one of my hands, the other one naturally rested on his lower back and vice versa.

I glared at him, but he just smiled.

"You are so gonna pay for this later." I say between my teeth.

He led us around, but I was just trying to focus on not tripping on myself.

"Just go with the music. You know how to do that." He says.

I try to focus on the music a bit more. Things went more smoothly like that.

He chuckles, "Now you're getting it."

When I was comfortable with the basic steps, he caught me by surprise and spun me around. I thought I was going to lose balance, but he caught me and pulled me back in.

"When did you have the time to learn all this?" I whisper.

He just shrugs, "There's quite a few things you don't know about me, Jirou."

At this point, people were starting to watch us. I was starting to get nervous, but Kaminari kept eye contact with me almost the entire time. It's like his eyes were telling me, "Don't mind them."

His hand moved to the center of my back. Slowly, he leaned forward, causing me to tip backwards. He supported my weight with his hand as I dipped back, keeping one foot on the ground.

He pulls me back up swiftly, our faces coming extremely close together. The song was coming to an end, but my heart was racing. At this point, I wasn't sure if the act was still going on.

"So." He says, "You think a girl would fall for that?"

I could feel the blood rush to my face. I didn't know what to say. I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"That girl better be me."

He suddenly lets me go, but he kept his grasp on my hand.

"Come on." He motions towards the door, "Let's get out of here."

"What..? That's it?"

He laughs softly, "I don't need to talk to other girls. The perfect one has been right in front of me all this time."

I wasn't mad at him for dragging me to the club anymore. We came together and left together.

Everything we needed was right here all along.

Kamijirou Oneshots (Kaminari x Jirou)Where stories live. Discover now