Chapter 2

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Rohan POV:
I was fucking impressed by how Angel talk to Sharma Sir everyone know he doesn't like to has female soldiers in his team. They both are in his team because he needed snipers and they both were the only two who has guts to stand him. Everyone know about them Angel and Devil. Devil is extrovert her killing style is what make Gautam sir name her Devil. And then there is Angel who is introvert and soft but has the ability to kill without giving a second thought.

As much as I heard they both were walking ona thin line they were testing them. By their constant taunts and what not. They were going to leave that team no matter how and when. And I was waiting for that movement to get both of them in our team. Only thing I need to do was make Kumar sir agree with it. Which he agreed easily.

Now we need to talk to Gautam Sir about it and get them on board. So I made my way toward his office and knock on the door. "May I come in Sir?"

"Yes soldier." He says with out looking up from his work.

"Tell me what do you want."

"Sir" I says that by giving a puppy face to him which he didn't look " can't I come to your office for a talk?"

"Why are you lying?"
"Just tell what do you want? "

" Ok, fine.
I want Angel and Devil in my team."

" Done. "

" That's it. " I says shock how the hell Gautam Sir agree so easily.

" Kumar call me few minutes ago and ask me the same thing. "Sir look at me for the first time since I came. And their was a smirk on his face.

"He didn't tell you?" I move my head from right to left. " Words soldier."


"Right I remember I told him not to tell you." He says with a smirk on his face.


"Go now." He move back to his work.

"But why did you did that Sir?" I ask.

"Just wanted to see how will pursue me to send them both In your team. And you didn't pursue me you told me. "He says that while looking at me.

" Sorry sir , but you teach me not ask but to tell people" I says with a shrug.

" I told you that when you were little and you were fighting with your friends their is difference soldier. " " Now leave. "

" Ok and thank you Sir. " I says that with a smile. Walk out before he can get a chance to punish me. From their I went to boys dorm. To Meet my team and tell them about the meeting.

"Hey! Captain." Gaurav greet me as soon as I enter in room.

"Hey! Captain." "Hey! Captain" all of them greet me one by one.

We are total six boys in our team. Well First is me captain of the team and I was born In army family. My dad is retired army officer and my mom is a doctor in army hospital. My parents wanted one and only daughter my father believes boys are pain in ass so they try for daughter and they succeed in it their next time. Me and my sister grow with our grand parents as our parent doesn't used to have time for us. We used to feel Left out our whole life because we were never their priorities. The difference was I used to tell them every chance I get and my sister would prefer to ignore it.

But when I was near about ten our grand parents take us to a orphanage and their we meet those four idiots. Gaurav , Tanmay, Nikhil, Piyush. They become my friends and family. They all are crazy crack heads love to travel, kill and chill. They all are really good in hiding whether it is feeling or dead bodies.

And two years later Aayush came in orphanage. He cryed for days after loosing his parents. And finally stopped as soon as he saw my little sister. She sit next to him and talk to him for hours.i don't how or when my sister fall in love with him but anyway... So they are in love with each other but they think I don't know. He was little shy earlier but now he is one of us. He completed our  group.

"Boys training in thirty minutes." I says .
And in return I only heard groans from them.

"Captain what happen in meeting?" Gaurav ask me.

" Right they will join our team soon."

After saying this I changed my clothes and went for training downstairs. We run and complete obstacles round. But this whole time my mind was on Angel. I wanted to see her and know more about her.

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