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A/N: ima start putting chapters names but In the book not the chapter cover if that makes sense.

-* save that shit*-

He looked at me.

Sometimes when you can't  talk  eyes can.

And when you can't talk sometimes your bsf can for you.

He came over to us.

T: I- I didntt mean too.
H: I don't even know what to say to you.

It was kinda obvious that he was drank but still wtf?

I just left. 10 months to waste.

I told Adriana,Ethen,Blair abt what just happened and we left this party and went to another one because we still wanna party.

We drove back to our town because it was in our town.

When we got to the party it was way better here. And hotter guys here.

We had to time of our lives here. All of us really didn't care what people thought about us.

I saw Harper with a boy. He had black hair and an eyebrow piercing. And had a Emo look. Definitely not my type but whatever.

This  cute boy wanted to dance with me and ofc I said yes.

We danced for a long time and I got his phone number and name.

After a while we decided to go home. Adriana  and Blair slept over.

-the next morning-

I woke up and I was feeling kinda good for a morning after a party.

I went to the kitchen to make coffee and make breakfast. I tried to be quiet but I failed.

I woke up adri and harps on accident.

HZ: good morning.
A: good morning.
H: good morning.
HZ: I made coffee.
HZ: no problem

I heard a ding dong at the door so I looked from the peck hole. And I saw Tom. I'm not answering that.

H: who is it ?
HZ: Tom
H: oh hell no

I walked over to adri and sat next to her.

HZ: do we have a show today?
A: yeah.
HZ: im so nervous.
A: it's ok you will do great just remember the practice at the meeting.
HZ: okayyy
HZ: shit I forgot something in my car from 2 days ago brb.
A: okkk

I went out to my car and look for my necklace and my lip gloss. And ofc I see Tom just my luck.

T: hey I'm s-
HZ: save that shit

I walked inside my apartment.

A: if it ok with the others can me and Blair live here with you?
HZ: yes idc and im getting a bigger apartment aways

It was ture. Im getting a bigger apartment it gonna have 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms it the biggest one here. It takes up two of the apartment that I have right now.

But now I have to tell Harper and Ethen.

HZ: Harper? Where are you?
H: in my room.
HZ: okay.
HZ: Harper we are moving into a bigger apartment.
HZ: yeah!

She took that well but now it's time for the sassy one.

HZ: Ethen.
E: what?
HZ: we are moving into our new apartment okay?
E: ok.
HZ: so start packing
E: ok.

I started packing and Blair and Adriana went home to pack.

Me and Adriana had to do it quick because we had to get a fashion show I guess that we call it.

I packed my bags and it really was quick because I just had to put my clothes and makeup right now.

I started to pick an outfit and I had to get ready. I put my makeup bags in my car just to get it out of the way.

And I drove there. I saw Adriana and went up to her.

HZ: how much did you pack?
A: my clothes,makeup,skincare,shoes
HZ: wow you did better than me.
A: thanks !
HZ: we better get ready.
A: yeah.

This was my first time at the runway. We practiced and then got ready. Blair,Harper,Ethen,Dior,and my real mom is gonna be there.

Beside the point this is my first runway show it also the biggest. So a lot of people of gonna be here.

When me and Adriana got all ready it was her turn then mine.

Then she goes. I'm so nervous.

Then it my turn. I walk out there. And pose. And walk back. And made no mistake. Thank goodness.

A: wow that was incredible
HZ: thank you! You were great!
A: thanks!

We talk together abt the party and the new apartment and that Tom came up to me.

H: you were so good!
E: good job sis!
B: can I get your signature?
Rm: I'm so proud of you hon!
HZ: thank yall so much!
Rm: no problem!

We went home and we all finished to pack.

And we were all so tired and all just ate and showered and went to bed.

Hii guys so I know this was long but I kinda like it long. And sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been really busy but after tomorrow I can post more. I'm sorry if there is bad spelling or grammar I'm tried and I just wanted to update this book. But yeah that it. Byee for now!
- Ansley


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