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Regarding, my stories, which most will have disappeared by the time you see this, I have made the decision to wipe the slate clean, as you may likely already be aware of.

The reason why I have chosen this option is that I have failed to properly manage my stories, posting new ones solely on impulse and lack or foresight, resulting in several old, dead books.

I plan to change this starting right now.

I will set a strict set of rules for myself, a system of which will provide you with (hopefully) regular updates and provide me with stress-free time to give those updates without me sleeping on it.

Here are the details of my new system:

1.) Updates will be made weekly.

2.) Any story that's left untouched for any longer than a month will be taken down to reduce clutter, and thus slightly reduce the growing size of Wattpad's fanfic graveyard (we both know that's an issue that needs to be dealt with not just for me, but for ALL of Wattpad, like it or not.)

3.) I will only work on ONE story (two stories, maybe) at a time! No more! No less! Even if I have an idea screaming to be put to use in the back of my mind, I will not break this rule any longer!

That's about it for those details.


You may be wondering "Vegeta, why delete ALL your unfinished stories!? Even Pyromania!? Are you mad!?"

All I can say is......maybe.

But jokes aside, not all is lost! A total of four stories will be recreated one at a time, and those are:

- You Are My Family (TWDG)

- Science and Logic (Inside Job)

- Fauna and Flora (The Owl House)

- and Pyromania (Hazbin Hotel)

WAIT!! Still not done! Yep. I know, I'll make this last bit quick.

These stories will be completely remade, but You Are My Family will have the biggest change to my knowledge.

And this might make some people a bit disappointed.

I am removing my choice system from the remade version and will have full control over the story.

Before you burn me at the stake, allow me to explain.

Basically, my choice system, whilst a good concept on paper, was flawed. There were choices made that I wanted to go the other way for to try and unlock the full potential of for the story, but for your sake, I pressed on.

Whilst the original still came out alright, I made this decision for myself (yes, I know. I'm being selfish here) as I've had a few ideas in my head that I never got to set I to fruition.

Hope you guys understand.

And with that, concludes this announcement.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this, please ask away! I would be more than happy to clear up any obscurities I may have left.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 14 ⏰

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