chapter twenty.

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for the rest of the day, danny steered pretty clear of me. 

cole sort of did, too, but it didnt seem as intentional as danny's behavior. after going to school to pass in an assignment, he quickly rushed back into the house to help me set up all the tables outside for the wedding, now in two hours. 

but, like i said, danny felt different. almost as avoidance.

as cole headed out to go to school, i stood next to jackie as she gave each walter brother thier chore. danny made minimal eye contact with me, and when he did, it was quick and almost emotionless. 

and when we almost bumped into each other as cole and i co-carried a table out the door, he looked down as his feet as we awkwardly shuffled by and apologized.

but the wedding was finally here, and i settled on the fact that the decision had practically been made for me. with danny now planning to be away for the summer, and cole being free as a bird, it seemed simple. i was grateful the universe had made this decision easy for me. thankful for fate.

danny and i had kissed as well, but like danny said, the initial intent behind it wasnt romantic, so it shouldnt be now. danny probably just felt that way for a little bit, a reasonable reaction and thought process after an emotional kiss, but pulled back to reality by the natural course of time, and now his mind is obviously off to other things. as mine should be.

we finally set the table down, and cole looked at me, putting his hands on his hips, heaving breaths in and out.

"you barely broke a sweat, harper gray." he huffed, and i chuckled at him slightly.

"i mean, come on," he groaned, "that table almost took me out-" he had stopped speaking because i had begun to walk towards him. alarmed, and probably not knowing what to expect, he straightened his body to stand up taller. 

i fit myself perfectly in his arms, and pressed my cheek against his collar bone. a hug. one of the most comforting hugs i had had in a while.

he put one arm around my back and waist, and another on my head.

and we stood there for a while.

"this feels nice, harper gray."

the wedding was gorgeous. hayley was gorgeous. everything came perfectly together.

"you look stunning." cole said as i chose my spot next to him, and his arm was already around my chair. i sat and fell comfortably in it.

that was the first time i had caught danny's eyes on me all day. but as soon as i noticed, they were off of me.

the couple was happily married, and the crowd moved to the reception space. drinks and small plates were being handed out during speeches, and cole's speech.

when, in the end, his eyes flashed at me when he said "but, when you meet your person, nothing else really matters."

and, for the first real time, i let myself enjoy the gesture. i smiled back up at him.

cole's speech finished up, and the first dance was stunning and incredible, and everyone joined the famous couple out on the dance floor.

and a body appeared in front of me.

"a dance?"

i stuck out my head, swallowing my drink and preparing a yes, but it was danny's hand that reached down to grab mine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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