chapter four.

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"okay, jackie, kiss marry kill-"

it was an understatement to say that i could not believe my life at the moment.

hours before now, we had all piled into my jeep & headed straight to jackie's house right after school. skylar, grace, and jackie seemed super pumped for tonight, and i just tried to keep my breathing at a pace that wasnt going to make me pass out.

"i just cant believe you got harper madden to come." grace gawked from the passenger seat, "this is like, historical."

"okay, okay," i said, trying to calm the laughing teens surrounding me, and hide the gut wrenching fear inside of me, "bully me all you want. i stand by my choices!" i sent a loaded finger to the backseat, "lets just keep the drama at a minimum tonight."

"and keep walter boy, both girl talk and face to face contact, to a minimum, please." skylar begged, and i sent him thankful eyes in my rearview mirror. he smirked my way, but only momentarily, so the girls couldnt see.

i had really only known skylar because grace was close to him, but i had never been more thankful for him then i was now.

ten minutes later, i stood staring at the house as everyone piled out of my car.

it was huge, with windows covering every wall and what looked like a barn off to the side. the land it was on was also huge and surrounded by thick woods. this was a house that could hold a family as big as the walters, no doubt. and it was in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of town.

and i felt like it was towering over me, at the moment.

i swallowed thick liquid as i forced my feet to take steps toward the front door.

steps i never thought i'd take. into the walter's.

katherine greeted us at the door, and we surprisingly got all the way to jackie's room without encountering a walter brother. the house was like a maze, and we passed by many roomies until we came upon jackie's, at the way back. i let out a breath i didnt know i was holding once jackie shut her bedroom door.

safe, i thought.

i still had a certain itch of anxiety in my stomach, now sitting on jackie's bed with grace, watching skylar paint a poster for the silent auction, and jackie go over a list of donations local companies had offered. someone could barge in at any moment, or the chaos i always imagined going on in this house. boys streaking, or getting caught with a girl in their room, or a fight. all the horrid possibilities were giving me a stomach ache.

however, grace was insanely bored, and almost immediately broke the no-walter-girl-talk rule.

"im sorry guys, but i had to agree to work a church barbeque tomorrow just to be here," grace groaned after her failed attempt at the classic slumber party game, as she plopped herself back down on jackies bed, "so humor me. please."

"if this auction falls even a dollar short of our goal, you know erin will hold this over my head until we graduate." jackie pleaded back.

"ugh!" grace groaned some more, "okay, fine, skylar," she didnt necessarily listen, but directed her attention to the boy painting instead, "kiss marry kill, cole, alex, isaac."

"grace!" skylar and i whined at the same time.

"why are you the way you are?" skylar threw harsh words and a paintbrush at the girl.

"maybe because my parents wont let me date, and my friends never let me dream!" she threw back, especially throwing her glares towards me. i put my hands up in defense, "whatever. we'll just have to play again after tomorrow when you spend all day with alex!" she wiggled her eyebrows towards jackie, and i did so too, mockingly.

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