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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ stay forever, you know more than anyone


I DON'T remember the last time I was grateful to have taken the steamiest shower possible. From the stickiness of the rain, and the fuzziness of our hair, we were due for a shower.

I let my fingertips run down her bare arms as she laid against my chest, feet kicked up beside mine as goosebumps covered her skin.

"This movie is sad." Lorelei sniffled, earning a short chuckle from me as she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"Isn't it a musical?" I cocked a brow at her, flicking my eyes from La La Land to my girlfriend. "What's so sad about singing?"

Lorelei groaned, shaking her head against me before tilting it back to lock eyes with me. "It's the story behind it, Luke. How does this scene not make you cry?"

I glanced back to the screen displaying before us. Mia and Sebastian took turns coming on, looking at one another with the bright lights illuminating their faces.

"I'm crying." I teased, pressing my fingers to my eyes as I whined softy, her elbow digging into my right rib. "Ow!"

"It's their last look!" She argued, trying to prove her point. "It's, like, they envisioned this life together but they've both achieved their dreams. But they didn't achieve them together."

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth. "So, like, two passing people that are where they want to be but they just can't do it together?"

"Exactly!" Lorelei clapped, smiling towards me proudly. "See, I knew you had some brain in you."

I rolled my eyes, gripping her hips tightly. "I am the brains of the relationship, baby."

Lorelei snorted, capturing my hand in hers as she traced my knuckles, bringing a shiver down my spine. "I hope that we never had that."

I furrowed my brows, my free hand coming to tuck the loose strands of her damp hair behind her ears. "Have what, Lo?"

"The last look"  She muttered, rubbing with more roughness. "I can't envision my life without you, Hughes."

I pecked the side of her head, smelling the mix of popcorn and strawberries seeming to float around her. "Me either, Lo. That's why it'll never happen."

Lorelei beamed up at me, nuzzling herself into the crook of my neck. "What about when you go to Jersey? Won't you forget about me?"

"That's crazy talk." I nearly laughed, giving her a head-shake. "I don't think I could ever forget you. You know those people with Alzheimer's? Even if I had that, I would still remember you."

Lorelei pushed her bottom lip out softly, turning until we were chest to chest. "Do you really mean that?"

"I love you, Lorelei." I hummed, dragging the pads of my thumbs under her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Lorelei blushed, taking ahold of my wrist. "You know what song came on today?"

I cocked a brow with curiosity, waiting for her to reveal it.

"Can't keep my eyes off of you." Lorelei widened her eyes, parting her lips with a soft expression. "Just made me think of you."

I could the butterflies swarm in my stomach, like, anything she did made me queasy in the best way possible. Lorelei truly didn't know the hold she had on me.

"Ah." I darted my tongue out to dampen my lips. "Does that mean that's our song?"

Lorelei nodded, holding herself up with the palm of her hand. "It was our song when you forced me to dance with you to it."

"Okay, I didn't force you." I corrected, clicking my tongue at her. "You were a natural dancer."

Lorelei scoffed, hitting me softy as our laughter filled the space around us. I felt the sudden buzzing of my phone on the table behind us as I tipped back to grab it.


"Hello?" I swiped right, bringing my phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Yo, Luke!" Mark's voice sounded on the other line, clear chatter behind him as it seemed to echo. "Where are you, man?"

My eyes fell to Lorelei who stared up at me with big curious eyes.

"I'm at Lorelei's." I informed him, sitting up slightly which made Lorelei retreat back from me, only to keep her gaze locked on me. "Why?"

"You're at Loreleis?" Mark cackled, sighing lowly. "Come on, Luke. We're all at Jacobs, get your ass over here."

I tightened my jaw, shaking my head as if he was in front of me. "Nah. I'm gonna sit this one out. You guys have fun though."

"Luke." Marks tone made me refrain from hanging up, shifting on the other side made it seem like he had gone somewhere quieter. "You know what day it is, right?"

I pulled back, watching my phone light up with the state staring back at me. "Yeah, I do."

"So..." Mark trailed off, waiting for me as I could hear Dylan's laughter in the background.

"Give me a second." I pulled the phone from my ear as I nodded towards the brunette girl, leaving her alone on the couch as I stepped into the bathroom.


MR. PERFECTLY FINE ; LUKE HUGHES Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu