𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜

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Note - I'm writing this at 10:25 May 13, I'm planning on publishing this Tomorrow, Now, let's not waste our time shall we?

! E D I T E D!

! M A Y  BE  OOC!

You Knew the Mafia Training would be Hard and Brutal, But What you Didn't expect that you'd have a short 22 year old as your Mentor.

But you Knew not to Judge a Person by their Height, But you honestly thought That he Was 15-

(SayakaaMaizonoo better be grateful I didn't make (Y/N)'s Mentor Aku 🥰)

You had learned that his Ability, For the Tainted Sorrow, Allowed him to control Gravity, so the Training was kind of hard, But not as Brutal as they thought. (SayakaaMaizonoo 🥰🥰)

"(Y/N)-San, Can you take these to Ane-San?" Your Mentor, Chuuya Nakahara Asked

"Of course, Sir Nakahara."


The Stuff he handed you were some hair accessories, They were Probably for Kyouka Izumi, but you weren't sure.

As you were Walking Were Kouyou Ozaki was, you stopped walking when you heard some faint whispers, of the bald men (What are they called bro)

"Hey, have you seen the little girl miss Kouyou has took in?"

"It's so annoying, I finally had a chance with miss Kouyou but she had to take that pest in, ugh.. I want to Kíll her.."

As you Heard those words from the Bald men, (obviously) you didn't hesitate to kill them your self

(Your Ability, nah, You took out your Scythe-)

Not that the others cared Anyways, They were just standing there like Robots.

You Continued your walk to Kouyou, Ordering the bald Men (🥲) to clean the mess.

As you entered the room where Kouyou was, the last thing you'd expect in the room to be was 5 Corpses of the Bald men (😔).

"Hm? Oh, (Y/N), are those the Accessories that I asked for? Thank you, Also, would you be a Dear and Dispose of these Corpses?"

"Of course, Miss Ozaki." You wanted to ask why she'd Murder these Corpses, but you knew better than to question someone Higher than your Rank.

"These Pests were Talking badly about Kyouka."

... Well that Explains it :)

~ T I M E  S K I P ~

As you finished disposing the Corpses, Kouyou walked towards you.

"(Y/N), Boss Requested to see you."

That Weird Pédôphîlé :/, you disliked him from the start, the man Lied about helping you find Atsushi, What a Meanie >:(

You didn't say anything on your way to M0r1's Office, you were just thinking of how frail and skinny Atsushi Probably was because he was Kicked out.

As you opened the big doors, there was the Boss, but...

"Elise-Chan! I promise this is the Last dress :("

"You said that about 3 Dresses ago, Rintarou! >:("

There there was, the all mighty respected Boss, Begging his 'Daughter' Elise to put on a dress.


You opened the door a bit further and it Made a Creaking sound.

M*ri and Elise both Whipped their heads to look at you, you had your Usual Serious expression, but on the inside you were dumbfounded.

"(Y/N)?" Mœrì mumbled, and his expression went from pouting to Serious in a Second.

"How long have you been standing there?"

Well, I guess your Fûcked Reader! It was nice knowing you (◍•ᴗ•◍)

"I entered this second, sir." You (And honestly Saki too-) Prayed that he didn't know you were lying.

"Very well, I have a Mission for you."... Is this man Stupid?


"I want you to hunt down a certain Weretiger. Bring them Alive, if I see a Scratch on them there will be consequences"... Was he into animals now-

" Understood Sir, will I be going Alone?"

"No, you will be accompanying Akutagawa and Higuchi" (SayakaaMaizonoo 🥰🥰🥰)

Great, just great, 'Notice me Dazai-San' and 'Notice me Senpai!' ? What's wrong with your luck Today :/

(By the way, (Y/N) Can control their Ability, as in they can turn on and off their Ability, Saki also gave Reader a Scythe, it can be any Colour you want but it needs to have a (F/C) Flower on the top, Rose, Daffodil, it's your Choice!)

"Understood, when will I start this Mission?"

"Right now."

... Can this man give you a Break? You just got back from a Mission 😔 (You need a Raise 😔)


Words - 733
Awh man! Saki wanted this to be Longer! But Saki finished writing this at 11:44, So Saki is Tired, Also, (Y/N) is any Gender you would like them to be! Sometimes Saki Accidently uses She/Her Pronouns, so once Saki finishes writing, Saki re-reads what Saki wrote and instead of "She" Saki writes "They", although if you want Saki to do a Bungō Stray Dogs x Female/Male Reader you can Always Ask Saki!

Note - you can Also wear whatever you want! Frick the Uniform ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°), Also, can you help Saki with something? Saki can't decide if Chuuya's Contact name Should be - Nakahara Chuuya, Sir Nakahara, or Gay wine Aunt.



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𝐼𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒? (DISCONTINUED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang