Bunch of different chats

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2:03 am

The best mixture of Ulitmates (+ one cool reserve course student):

Chiaki: Hey is anyone awake?

Mikan: i am !!

Hiyoko: ugh what


Gundham: can this even be classed as morning.

Chiaki: For my sanity yes it can.

Peko: Hello everyone, i am also awake.

Kazuichi: same here, why you message Chiaki.

Chiaki: omg good this is enough people, random assortment as well double score.

Chiaki: Gundham i have a question

Gundham: shoot

Chiaki: is Sonia awake ?

Gundham: No the princess went to bed around 11 ish

Chiaki: perfect

Peko: May i inquire what it is you need exactly?

Kazuichi: And what does it have to do with Miss Sonia

Hiyoko: She doesnt like you scrub, move on


Hiyoko: woah lol

Mikan: Maybe do a short cut so everytime you type miss sonia it autocorrects to sonia.

Kazuichi: i dont know how to do that shit.

Peko: I can help in the morning if you want.

Kazuichi: Please.

Chiaki: Anyway, i have spoke to both Gundham and Kaz respectfully about this.

Chiaki: I want to confess to Sonia.....

Mikan: i guess i understand Kaz due to past urm events? but why Gundham...

Chiaki: hes her bestfriend i wanted to know if i had a shot.

Gundham: And i truly believe you do, to quote Sonia directly "CHIAKI IS SO PRETTY I MIGHT JUST DIE"

Gundham: Please tell me we can delete these chats.

Hiyoko: yeah we can reset if so no one but us will know of these chats....

Nekomaru: I have to admit, im glad i stayed awake.

Chiaki: anyway, how do you confess to someone.

Gundham: easy just do the opposite of what Souda would do

Kazuichi: Hey :( i got game

Gundham: thats laughable

Kazuichi: Oh fuck off whats so good about you anyway

Gundham: many things.

Mikan: okay just gonna jump in here now and say if anyone gets hit i will not be stitching them up.

Hiyoko: why would we go to you

Nekomaru: *whispers* shes the ultimate nurse

Peko: i thought you guys fixed your issues

Peko: Or should i say Hiyokos issue.

Mikan: we tried i must admit, but i do think we need to have a proper discussion rather than a simple apology

Hiyoko: ugh ill try to fit it into my schedule

Gundham: The schedule. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsay, Friday and saturday: ogle at Mahiru, Sunday: nap day

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