an bloody begining

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Liv walks behind the school building, her shoes clicking loudly on the concrete with each step. She pulls out an old, frayed hair tie and pulls her wild, messy hair up into an untidy ponytail. As she starts on her daily run after school, she can't help but notice how dark it is behind the school building. She stops for a brief moment, listening, but nothing but the echo of her own footsteps breaks the silence.

Liv glances at the dark woods, nervously scanning the area before deciding to take the trail. Her untidy ponytail bounces from side to side as she runs, shoulder to shoulder. She takes in deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves in the quiet solitude of the woods. After several minutes, she slows to a stop, feeling the cool night air gently brushing around her body. In the distance, she hears the faint sound of someone or something rustling in the bushes.

Liv's eyes widen in terror as she catches sight of an intruder in all-black clothing, a large knife glinting in his hand. She turns around and begins to run, the intruder giving chase. As she sprints across the football field, she suddenly trips over her shoe, falling flat onto the grass. The intruder is right on her heels, his blade flashing in the moonlight. Before she can get back up, the intruder brings his blade down, stabbing her in the back. She lets out a scream of pain and fear, her back blazing with burning pain.

Liv turns around, trying to stay conscious as she watches the intruder disappear into the darkness. Her back is blazing with pain and she can feel herself growing weaker and weaker. Suddenly, the intruder returns, standing over her. With a cold smirk, he stabs her in the chest thrice, twisting the knife as he does. Liv gasps, her eyes widening in disbelief and pain as she sees her own blood spilling onto the grass. After the third stab, he leaves her for dead

Liv attempts to crawl away, desperate to escape her killer's deadly blade. She drags her body across the grass but to no avail. Her strength fades and her body grows limp. As she attempts one last gasp for air, she feels her body going numb and all the pain starts to fade away. Soon her body becomes lifeless, a pool of blood around her on the grass. The grass and trees around her stand somberly in silence, the only witness of one life ending while another remains untouched.

16th: liv- stabbed to death/blood loss

Mrs. Firewell walks outside the school building the next morning, her high heels pounding loudly against the concrete floor. As she squints, she sees something large lying on the football field. At first, she thinks it's an animal, but as she gets closer, she realizes it's Liv, one of the students at her school. She stops in her tracks, horrified to see the student motionless on the ground. She quickly calls out to the others, "Someone call the police!"

Mr. Greenlight, Mr. Armstrong, and Mr. Bushget rush outside to see what's wrong.

"Oh my God!" Mr. Greenlight exclaims as he sees the lifeless student lying on the ground. "She's not breathing."

Mr. Armstrong rushes over to her side, checking for a heartbeat. He puts his hand to her neck, searching for any signs of life.

Mr. Bushget steps back, shocked by the scene. "We need to get her to the hospital! Call an ambulance!"

After school, Taylor and her best friends Ali and Shia walk home, their conversation filled with shock and disbelief over the news of Liv's death.

"I can't help but think about all the times she bullied us back in elementary school." taylor said

" She was the worst. She made our lives living hell." ali said 

"She was always so stuck up and mean. I'm glad she's not around anymore." shia said

"you know guys, who killed liv tho, i mean she was stabbed, we all know why she was killed" taylor said 

"Yeah, but who could it be?" Ali asks, "I mean, someone out there murdered her. That's scary to think about."

Shia nods, "I know what you mean. Who could've done something like that? And why?"

"because she an bitch" taylor said

"She was a total bitch." Shia agrees, "I'm not saying that she deserved to die, but..."

Taylor nods, "Yeah, she wasn't exactly a good person. But it's still scary to think that there's someone out there who would take her life like that."

Cayden walks home with his best friend Nate, chatting away on the sidewalk.

"So, how were your other classes today?" cayden asks Nate.

 "Pretty good, nothing really exciting happened. I'm just glad it's Friday, to be honest." nate said

Cayden is about to ask his friend Nate if he wants to hang out at his house when he is suddenly startled by his rich boyfriend Nick coming up behind him.

"Jesus, you spooked me!" cayden said 

"What's up, babe?" nick said with an chuckle

"Nothing much, just talking to Nate here..." cayden said while rolling his eyes playfully

"Well, don't forget about our dinner plans later tonight." nick said 

 "Yeah, I won't." cayden said 

"Goodboy." nick said with an smile

 "I am NOT a goodboy." cayden said 

"Sure, sure, whatever you say, babe." nick said with an laugh

Mr. Greenlight leaves the school, leaving Mrs. Firewell alone. She sighs, feeling the weight of responsibility suddenly settle on her shoulders. She knows that she needs to be strong for the students, but she can't help but feel a heavy sense of dread about what they'll face following Liv's death.

Mrs. Firewell hears an odd tapping sound at her window, and quickly gets up from her desk, puzzled by the unexpected noise. She slowly walks over to her door and opens it, peering outside, but sees nothing. She's starting to feel uneasy, like there's something lurking just out of sight. Her heart starts pounding in her chest as she takes a few cautious steps outside, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence.

As she turns her head to the left, she suddenly sees the killer standing there, holding a knife, staring at her with menacing eyes. She immediately runs for it, desperate to get away, but when she makes it to the construction part of the school, she realizes she's just trapped herself in a small area with no other exits.

The killer is right behind her, closing in on her as she desperately tries to find another way out. She trips over a piece of wood and falls, her glasses sliding off her face and falling to the ground. She looks down to see a 25-foot drop down to the gym floor below. She can feel the killer shaking the wood, trying to make her fall, and she struggles to hang on, but his plan works. She loses her grip and falls, plummeting down into the gym floor below, her body crashing into the cold ground with a thud.

15th: mrs. firewell - fall to her death

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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