ACT : I pt.1

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⌈ꊰꄲꋪꍌꏂ꓄-ꂵꏂ-ꋊꄲ꓄ : ACT ꒐, pt.1⌋


"Just as I'd suspected, nothing."
The headmaster stated which made both of the lost students in shock "not only both of your homeland is not listed on every map from any point of history."

"Soo... You're telling us our home does not exist here?" Yuu asked which the headmaster nodded in response "now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape? " The headmaster assumed which made [N] glare at him "I'm sorry but, why would we lie about where we come from?"
[N] was irritated how the headmaster was assuming something truthfully

"O-oh uhmmm.. Well, if so, that means you're from another planet." Crowley stuttered and said something being from another planet "or, you both were summoned here and come from another dimension."

'What a nice day to be isekaid, did I want this? No. Was I joking about it? Yes.'

"Another planet?!" Yuu's eyes widen and on the other hand, [N] stared at the headmaster weirdly either assuming herself as an alien or some creature 'does that make us an alien?' [N] assumed with her usual straight face that she shows to everyone

"Show me everything that you brought here with you." The headmaster said before adding more "do you have some sort of form of identification, drivers license perhaps? ... Or a shoe?.. You do seem a tad empty-handed."

Both of the lost students Pat their pants and [N] feels something round on her pocket which she pulls out...a ball? "I have a ball..?" [N] said confused as she stares weirdly at the item. 'I don't remember bringing this...'

"As you said, I've got nothing." The older student replied pulling out nothing but dust "well, this is quite a predicament."

"I can't have someone who can't use magic and a female In-" The headmaster said but got cut off by the female [H]nette "And your letting someone lost, who got kidnapped and let them live off the streets?"

"A-ah! Theres a dorm that have been unused and you both could live there until I find your way back home! haha...since that I'm such a gracious headmaster to my students!" [N] looks at the headmaster weirdly as like she saw the most weirdest thing
"Ahem well then, shall I take you to the vacant dorm?"


"Uhhhmmm.. Oh wow..."

"You want us to It looks like it might collapse by any seconds..." I mean... The dorm looks like a haunted house and abandoned..
"Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now, there you go"


'How is he even the headmaster? He gave us a home that definitely has ghost in it, he looks immature for an adult.' 

"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being." Crowley said after he gave them the most ruined and uncanny dorm for them to live. While hes gonna ̶r̶e̶l̶a̶x̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶s̶t̶u̶d̶e̶n̶t̶s̶o̶v̶e̶r̶b̶l̶o̶t
Research for their way home "now, I should return to my research. Do find something to busy yourself at the moment."

"But, don't let me catch you wandering around!" The headmaster warns before actually leaving just to do 'research' he said "this place is dusty as hell. There's nowhere for us to sit."

Minutes or hours went by as it started to rain. Hell, the dorm has a lot of holes that the dorm couldn't protect them from the rain. [N] would probably like to sue him for putting them in a damn rotting house "looks like its started to rain..." Yuu muttered glancing at the window to see a raining view but then comes an intruder that looks like... A cat?

"GWAAH! it's pouring rain out there!" The cat spoke making yuu flinch "wah!"

"Bwahahaha! That look on your face looks priceless! Like a bat that got shot by a water gun." The cat laughed while [N] glanced at it weirdly questioning life. How is it possible for a cat to speak. 'Wtf a talking cat? That's new. But HOW THE FRICK CAN IT TALK :skull:'  "the heck, a talking cat?"

"How many times do I have to say this?! I am the great grim! Not a cat!" The cat frustrated said as it took offense to it "and? what kind of species are you then?? Aint no way you could be an alien."

"Why is the cat here again?" Yuu asked to [N] but she shrugged because she has no fucking idea what's the purpose of it "im here to become a prodigy mage!"

"Then, why are you so determined to go?"

"Isnt it obvious?" The cat or "ThE gReAt GrIm" Said and making [N] looking at it with a 'no?' Look the same with yuu "i was born to do this! Ik a magical prodigy who's got makin's to become one of the greatest mage to ever live!"

"Uhhh...good luck I guess?" I mean- she trying to cheer grim I guess? It wasn't even enthusiastic because she doesn't have the energy to be that one autistic creature "so, I've been waiting, and waiting for the black carriage to come for me. but..." It complained after not getting being picked up by the carriage. 'Damn bro, we should switch places. I don't wanna be here.'
[N] thought while listening it's yapping about becoming the greatest magician to ever lived

'Is bro stopping any soon?'

A rain droplet landed on grim because of the rain trying to scoot over to the two "myaah! Scoot over here! I'm getting dripped" And then another one landed. "Bwaah! Another hole in the roof! These flamin' ears are my trademark ya know? I can't let them get doused!" Grim complaints after another one fell on it and then yuu spoke "well, good luck. the roofs is riddled with holes and such." Yuu replied before trying to find some buckets for the leaking

"I dunno why ya don't just use magic those holes away. You couldve fix it in a jiff." And that's when grim realised they both couldn't use magic "oh wait! You can't use magic at all! Pfft, you're useless man."




Gotta survive school man...gotta survive like yachiyo from the hit anime magia record😔


Fun facts!

○ they way [N] said "hah?", Because saying "hah?" Or "huh?" Is considered kinda rude in Japan (correct me if I'm wrong ty)

○you got ahoge almost look like shrimp antenna (it express your emotions more than your face)

⌈Words : 1117 (w/ words : 1111)⌋

💧ꊰꄲꋪꍌꏂ꓄-ꂵꏂ-ꋊꄲ꓄🌼 (PLATONIC!TWST) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ