chapter 1

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Dad!! Be fast ! A boy said being impatient to meet his best friend or maybe you call it his love

Shubhi I can't speed more now have some petience dude!   Mr. Gill said

Shubhman was eagerly heading to Ishan's house practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. He couldn't wait to see his best friend and surprise him with the special gift he had bought. Shubhman turned to his dad and pleaded,
Dad, can you please go a little faster? I really want to reach Ishus house quickly!

His dad chuckled and said, I understand your excitement, Shubhi  but we need to drive safely. Speeding isn't a good idea. We'll get there soon, don't worry.

Shubhman's mom, who was sitting in the backseat, joined in
Your dad is right, baby. Safety comes first. We'll be there in no time."

Shubhman knew they were right, his impatience was getting the better of him. He tapped his foot anxiously and kept glancing at the passing scenery, eager to arrive at Ishan's house.

Finally, they pulled up in front of Ishan's house. Shubhman practically jumped out of the car before it even fully stopped. He raced to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Ishan's aunt, who opened the door, greeted Shubhman with a warm smile. "Hey there, Shubhi baby how are- she cutt off by shubhman

Hello mama am fine and where is Ishu?

Yup! Shubhman calls ishans mom as mama cause his dad and ishans dad is best friends since childhood. They are like family and treated each others child like thier own

Woah boy! Let me finish first and your Ishu is in his room

Without wasting a moment, Shubhman darted into the house, calling out.
Ishan! Where are you? I've got something awesome for you!"

Ishan's mom, hearing the commotion, came out of the kitchen and laughed.
Shubhman, slow down! Ishan is still in his room. You're too fast for us!"

Shubhman grinned and replied, Sorry, mama! I just can't wait to see Ishu

He rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and reached Ishan's bedroom door. He knocked excitedly and called out, "Ishu! Where are you baby! It's me your shubhi.

He didn't found anyone in room he again call out his name but no response he knew his Ishu loves to play hide and seek with him . Suddenly he heard giggles coming out from wardrobe so he guessed his little munchkin is hiding there but pretend that he don't know anything.

Ishu where are you baby!?..he slowly goes towards wordrobe and opens the door and said
Boooooom!!! Gotta!!!!

Aaaaaaahhhh!! Shubhi that's not fair! A cute little chubby boy yelled

Everything is fair baby! Now look what I've bought for you , you'll surely like it shubham said pulling out gift pack.

Wow shubhi what's in it! Ishan said

First close your eyes
Ishan did what he said then shubhman made him walk towards mirror and made him stand from of mirror then put a very beautiful necklace around his neck . It was so beautiful yet eligent in middle "ishman" name were engraved.

Wow shubhi look here these are our mix name!! I really like it!!thank you shubhi

You like it shubhman said and got nod in response from ishan

Don't lose it okay baby this is our love sign. It's really special for our bond ! And I also have same necklace as you see! . Shubhman said.

I will never lose it shubhi.. I'll keep it forever with me!!

He hugged shubhman tightly. Shubhman was so happy that his baby loved his gift. He loves and adore ishan so much his love for ishan is becoming insane day by day all he want is ishan in his arms. His thought snap out when ishans mother calls them

Ishu! Shubhi come down babies we have snacks for you! Come fast or else we'll finish

Soon they heard and ran to downstair

Mama!dada! Look what shubhi gifted me our name is also there!  Ishan said

Wow it's really beautiful! . Ishans mom said

Indeed ! Now enough and eat your snacks
We have something serious to talk about. ... ishans dad said

Mama ! Papa can me and Ishu go to garden
Shubhman said

Okay you both can go but later that we four have something to talk both of you so come early and we are staying here for today so you can enjoy your time with ishan .  Shubhman dad said

Yaaaayy!! Both shout in excitement

But these two don't know this happiness is not last forever!
What thier parents wants to talk about?
And what will come in between thier happiness
Stay tuned 💜

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