chapter 18/storm(1)

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This is the first part and the beginning of the storm against Deruth, where the next chapter will be the climax of dealing with Deruth appropriately!

Hello again!, how is everyone?
This time I updated faster than the last time, and I think I'm the only one who's proud of this... because it's still late...
In any case!
I know this wasn't supposed to happen.. but this story should have centered around little Rok Soo... but we're almost to chapter 20 and Rok Soo still hasn't arrived..
Does anyone have a problem with this? Because I really didn't notice this part until recently.


Rok Soo looked at the villa calmly, it wasn't much different from what he remembered, just some renovations here and there.

He noticed the knights who were actively training, and they didn't seem to be confused by their sudden arrival.

Maybe this is because.

He looked at the person smiling benignly.

Honestly, Rok Soo did not expect that his presence would cause everyone to ignore the unfamiliar person.

He also did not think that he would see a dark elf walking around comfortably without looks of disgust or contempt.

Yes, the Crown Prince decided that it was more comfortable for him to come in this form.

Who knows what might happen when everyone sees the Crown Prince suddenly come to Hentius County.

In any case, he does not know whether the presence of the two will be a blessing or a curse when talking to his father.

The plan is simple.

Rok Soo will first have to talk to violan about his identity.

Being a sensible woman, Rok Soo knows that talking to her will be quick.

Then Violan goes and tells Deruth that he has come and that he wants to talk to him.

Then he talks - quietly - with Deruth.

And.. baam! We make Deruth apologize for his foolish actions.

The problem is solved elegantly~

The three entered silently and continued walking until they reached the guest room.

Rok Soo and Alberu entered while Ron went to summon the Duchess.

The two sat opposite each other and Rok Soo asked a question with a small smile.

“Would you please let this humble citizen know why His Highness has come all this way with me?”

Alberu returned the same smile while replying.

"I don't know, maybe for surveillance?"

"Wow, honest answer."

Alberu stared.

"But it's not like I mind."

Rok Soo smiled strangely and continued

“This is for my dear Dongsaeng, I am his favorite handsome hyung after all.”


The Crown Prince felt strange discomfort. He had noticed this before, but does this person want to compete with him for this position?

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