Chapter 6 (Tim)

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Casey and I quickly exchange glances and take off running. We don't even stop to take a breath until we return to the school parking lot and we are safely inside my car. Casey settles into the passenger seat, and I shove the key into the ignition and speed out of the parking lot.

"Okay, you're right: there is something really weird about that park," Casey says. We're now on our way to her house.

"Yeah, I still don't know what to make of it," I answer, turning the car onto her street.

A minute later I'm pulling the car into the driveway of an old house with chipping paint and a forgotten flower bed in the front yard, with only weeds where the plants should be. The two of us quickly exchange phone numbers and Casey gets out of the car.

I back the car out of Casey's driveway and start to drive home. After a few minutes of driving I'm about to turn onto my street, but instead of going home I turn the around and head downtown. I'm going to the library. There's something weird about shady Rest Park and I'm going to find out what it is.


At the library I start looking for any books that would tell me anything about Shady Rest Park, but with no success. Gosh, this is much harder than I thought it would be.

Giving up on the books, I decide to go downstairs to the basement to where the old newspapers are kept. I'm curious if there were ever any articles published about the park.

Nothing, nothing, and more nothing is what I find while flipping through the old yellowed pages of the Hansingville Press. I give up on the one that I'm reading and go to the next.

"MURDER AT LOCAL PARK," the headline reads. "Little girl was hung from the top of the swing set at Shady Rest Park..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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