Losing The King

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Boom went into a canyon with his father's sorceress Storm

Storm: Stay here and wait for your father and maybe practice your roar

Then she left

Boom tried to roar but unknown to him the Rat Trolls started a stampede

Boom: 😨

Storm made it to Pride Rock and found Kopa

Storm: Kopa a stampede and Boom's down there

King Kopa: Boom 😨

Then he went towards the canyon

Boom was on a tree branch

Log flew to him

Boom: Log help

Log: Your father is on his way hold on

Boom: Hurry!

Log flies to Kopa

Log: Right there on that tree

King Kopa: Hold on Boom!

Boom: Ah!

Then Kopa goes to save him and brings him to a ledge

Then Kopa tries to get up and sees Storm

Boom climbs to go help him

King Kopa: Storm help

Then Storm put her claws into Kopa's hands

King Kopa: Ah!

Storm: Long Live The Queen

King Kopa: 😨

Then she pushes him off

King Kopa: Ah!

Boom: Noooo!

Then he goes to his dad when the stampede is over

Boom: Dad? Come on

Then he realizes his dad is gone

Boom: Help! Someone! Anyone

Then he sees Rat Trolls and runs

Then he goes through a prickle bush

Then a rat troll falls in and comes out with prickles all over him

Rat Troll 1: Hey there he goes. There he goes

Rat Troll 2: So go get him

Rat Troll 1: Ain't no way I'm going in there. What you want me to come out looking like you? Cactus 🌵 Butt

Rat Troll 2: We have to finish the job

Rat Troll 1: Well he's dead out there anyway and if he comes back we'll kill him

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