Finding Out

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Kismet was hanging out by the creek

Then they heard something

Hype: What was that?

Then a troll with a hood covering the identity came out of the shadows

Troll: Hello there

Trickee: Who are you?

Troll: You'll find out

Ablaze: Huh?

Boom: Mmm!

Branch: Boom?

They saw that he was gone and so was the troll too

Trickee: Where did he go?

Branch: I don't know

Hype: Mmm!

Then they saw that Hype was gone too

Ablaze: Something strange is going on

Trickee: Mmm!

Trickee was gone

Ablaze: Trickee too?

Branch: Stay alert. So we don't get taken too

Then they go into a different part of the forest looking for their friends

Ablaze: Where could they be?

Branch: I don't know

Then they hear something and hide in a bush

Troll 1: Well that was easy

Troll 2: Yeah it was got these three so easily

Troll 3: Yeah there's 2 more left

The Ablaze and Branch saw that they had their friends and they were unconscious

Troll 2: Well let's go before any one sees us

Troll 3: Yeah

Then they put Hype, Trickee, and Boom in a truck and drove away

Ablaze: We have to save them

Branch: And we will

Then the troll from before came

Troll: Well, well, well 2 left

Ablaze: You

Branch: You're behind this

Troll: I guess I am

Branch: What did you do to them?

Troll: You'll find out

Then two trolls grabbed Branch and Ablaze

Troll: You have to take a test

Ablaze and Branch: Huh?

Troll: You'll see. Take them away so they can join their friends

Then the trolls took them away
Then the trolls brought Ablaze and Branch into a room and locked the door

Branch: Let us out!

Then they see their friends in the room too

Ablaze: Guys!

Hype: *groans* 😣

Trickee: What happened?

Boom: The last thing I remember was that this troll grabbed me and I was knocked unconscious

Hype: Same with me

Trickee: Uh huh

Then the walls turned on

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