Mulan woke up in a room that wasn't hers it was dark and cold you will die  a deep voice whispered something crawled into her frame of view it had long black hair dark deep eyes Mulan tried to scream nothing came out the thing got closer standing bones cracking as it did.

It came running at her full speed Mulan let out a sream AHHHH just then she jumped out her sleep alone in her room the bed was now wet she heard footsteps running to her room the door busted open WHAT HAPPEN ron asked he had a gun in his hands s-she came back this isn't the first time a dream like this happened princess come on let's get you in the bath ron said walking over to her setting his gun down and picking her walking to her bathroom setting her bath water at the perfect temperature getting her undressed and setting her down relax princess I'm gonna make sure no one ever hurts you again ron said getting up and walking away to her room taking the sheets of her bed washing them getting her new sheets and a new blanket he was disappointed with what his father did to Mulan all those years ago maybe she wouldn't be the way she is he sighed grabbing his gun putting it back is his room he gave kev a quick call wassup? kev asked over the phone Mulan had another nightmare again I think we need to get her therapy for this shit it's been happening to much her having accidents nd shit she can't live like this we can't live like this she's always so nervous and scared of everything ron said I know I'm looking but she seems fine at that care place I know you want what's best for Mulan you feel guilty nd shit but it's not your fault you been a good brother her helping her though everything and I know she loves you too we'll just have to keep looking I'll have Amy watch her tomorrow and we'll see what we can do kev said I guess so bruh I've been doing everything a can I'm starting to look like my dad tho I don't want that to trigger her ron said I know trust me we'll figure something out tomorrow okay kev said alr gng ron said I'm on my way home now ill be there in a few minutes kev said and with that he hung up ron walked to the bathroom seeing Mulan play with bubbles okay stand up shower time ron said making her stand up he looked away draining the water and turning on the shower water warm helping her wash up then get outta he put her hair in a ponytail helping her get dressed
Her outfit:

He looked at his watch it was only ten at night he sighed taking her downstairs grabbing her tablet setting her on the couch with her tablet she went to roblox playing her favorite game ron went to the kitchen Making her something to eat she didn't eat dinner before she went to bed he finished making dinner and he decided to make he lunch for tomorrow to she was gonna go back to the care center for a couple of hours since everyone was busy

He gave her her dinner hoping she would eat the peas then he finished making he lunch

He put it in the microwave setting next to Mulan turning on the TV just as kev walked in the house taking off his shoes and shirt he sat down next to Mulan wassup kev said letting out a sigh they gave you a hard time ron asked hell yea they did them dumbass niggas almost gave up our spot to the oops lucky I was there istg kev said dumbass niggas I swear they always doing sum dumbass shit ron said shaking his head dumbass Mulan said don't say that Mulan kev said Mulan gave him a side eye before continuing to play her game then the power went out it wasn't raining so that was weird Mulan threw her tablet mad that it wasn't working anymore then they heard glass Break ron grabbed Mulan taking her to the room opening his closet there was a small door he opened it telling Mulan to go in she went in don't come out unless I come get you ron said okay she said closing the door he closed the closet grabbing his gun drop it you thought you could really enjoy life nigga you thought I was gonna let you live when you killed my brother nigga a voice said behind him really Ricky you really wanna kill me now ron said BOOM a loud bang rang though out the room kev stood there still hold his gun slowly putting it down he had killed many people but this was different no one had ever managed to figure out where they live he felt true fear in that moment his heart beating out his chest he was scared for Mulan those niggas were sick in the head who knows what would have happened to her it they weren't as fast as they were he started crying ron hugged him it's okay you did the right thing Ron's words ran through his head playing over and over again he felt sick to his stomach like he would throw up any minute his chest burned his head pounding he let Mulan out hugging her tight crying he was strong but everyone has there limits and this was his he put his sister in danger without even knowing it as ron dragged the body down the stairs blood followed after he felt his stomach turn he grabbed his phone and called key before his vision went blury and his body went limp....

Hope you enjoy
Who is Ricky
Who's Ricky's brother
What is key gonna do
Is ron gonna be okay find out on the next chapter of LOVE YOUR FLAWS.


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