The Fall - 20

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You opened your previously squeezed shuts eyes, looking at Lelouch who was already looking intently at you, a certain glint in his eyes. "Ah- sorry.. See, I told you it was gonna make me trip." you said with a small laugh.

Lelouch drew in a sharp breath, placing his hands around your waist as he sat the both of you up, he leaned in, whispering in your ear while Tamaki stood awkwardly watching the two of you. "you look good in this dress too." He said simply, letting go of you as he stood up from the floor, offering his hand out to help you up.

You took his hand standing up, your brows slightly furrowing. "Whispering now h-" you paused as you caught a glance of Tamaki who was staring at Lelouch as if his life depended on it. "Tamaki are you following me?" You said bluntly, picking up either sides of your dress looking back and forth between Lelouch who was avoiding your gaze and Tamaki.

"Was just keeping an eye on you y/n... what did you say your name was again?" Tamaki said, his mind preoccupied by something else as he glared at Lelouch. 

"Am I obliged to tell you that when you're so obviously stalking us?" Lelouch said, the jealousy and anger that filled his tone was certainly not like any way you've heard him speak before. You shook your head "Hey, his name is Lelouch and he's right, shouldn't you be at work right now- not stalking me?" You said, trying to cut through the tension that was arising.

No one said a word for a minute, "Well, I'm going to get changed... so..." you muttered quickly turning to go change. Was it a smart thing to leave those two at each others throats? No. 

Lelouch felt his eyebrow twitch, waiting for you to leave before clearing his throat. "What are you playing at?" he said, his tone full of malice. Tamaki huffed with a smile playing at his lips. "Look, L-e-l-o-u-c-h..." tamaki began, enunciating each letter of his name with sass. "what has she told you about her work?" 

Lelouch frowned, he had been under the impression that this was one of Tamaki's fanboy escapades- keeping an eye on y/n for Zero's sake. This felt more like an interrogation if anything. "Enough." lelouch said, never taking his eyes off of Tamaki. 

Tamaki scoffed, "Why are you being so cryptic? Like you're trying to put on a face so that she likes you, but something you don't know is that-" Lelouch began to chuckle, a hint of insanity ignited within his eyes. "So that she likes me? She belongs to me." he said in a small mumble, getting closer and shoving him. "Stop pretending like the master you serves doesn't own you too."

Ohgi rushed from outside of the store to Tamaki's side... "Tamaki, we just received a call... it's an emergency- we've gotta go... now." Ohgi grabbed onto tamaki's arm pulling him away, yet for the first time Tamaki's lips remained shut, not a word left his mouth, leaving the store with Ohgi while glancing back at Lelouch with eyes full of anger.


"Lamperouge-" you paused, hands full of all the dresses you had been trying on. He was nowhere to be seen... Just as you began to panic an employee walked up to you offering to help carry some of the dresses. "Excuse me, but the young man you were with rushed out in a hurry, leaving us with his card saying to help you checkout." The employee said, carrying the dresses over to the cash register. 

"Oh- I don't know which one I'm going to buy yet-" you stuttered, still a little confused. "He mentioned you would be getting all of them" the employee replied, ringing all of the dresses up and neatly packaging them. 

You nodded, not knowing how to react to that... You felt your phone begin to buzz, to which you immediately pulled it out of your pocket. No caller ID. You quickly answered. "Hello?" you said, turning away from the employee who was still packing together all of the dresses. 

"Stay away from the knights and Ashford. Go home and lock yourself in your room and wait for my next call. Don't trust anybody." an automated voice rang out, the one you had come to love, before the line cut off, not giving you a chance to say anything. You shoved your phone back in your pocket grabbing the bags and Lelouch's card. "Thank you, thank you-" You said running out of the store in a hurry. You glanced around, everyone going on about their normal lives, and there you were-

Confused, paranoid, and feeling your entire world fall apart. You ran out towards the road, opting to take a taxi over public transit. As you got inside the cab, you took a moment to catch your breath before blurting out your address... Surely whatever that call had been about didnt concern a random taxi driver. 

The driver nodded, turning on the radio as he began to drive. 

- "This just in, we have breaking news here and you're not going to believe it.. Brittanian police have just began the search for 12 black knight's whos personal information was just leaked only moments ago. Speculation has arose that one of the names in particular, is of a Brittanian student who lives a double life as the head of Zero's informational taskforce. We haven't been permitted to release the names yet as we can only treat this situation with speculation to the validity of these documents, but it is advised if you live in the Tokyo settlement near Ashford academy to lock your doors." - The announcement ominously cut out and began to play music once again.

You clasped your hands over your mouth, your entire body was in shock... So many questions plagued your mind, 

How had this happened? 

Where had Lelouch gone in such a hurry?

And was your "home" really that safe? Safe enough for Zero to order you to go there and not to one of the countless secure bases the black knight's had at their disposal?

𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻, 𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ~ Lelouch x Reader (Code Geass)Where stories live. Discover now