Quantum Fluctuation

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"Eva! Status report!"

"The ship has lost 68.2% of  hull integrity and 55.6% life support, the Quantum field is collapsing at critical rate"

His heart skipped the beat upon hearing his quantum computer's report.

The ship blasted the red alarm as man tried to regain his composition and calmed himself, determined to get him and his family out of the dangerous situation.

"This should be impossible but i have no time to think! How much time lef-?'

Ship shook violently as it tore itself in half, the man could feel the ship losing its mass due to the collapse of the quantum Field.
Despite losing half the ship, Eva the Quantum Computer remained operational till her last breath

"Estimated time to escape is 47 seconds before complete breakdown only 1 escape pod is online and is already set course to the nearest safe planet"

"Thank you for everything Eva"
The man gave final goodbye as Eva took her last breath before being permanently offline.

The man rushed towards his wife and 1 year old crying child and took them to Escape pod.

"Honey, there is another pod for you right?" Wife asked worriedly as she needed assurance that her beloved husband will be safe.

Despite the fearsome situation, the man gave a smile trying to assure her that he will be safe too

"See you on the Anga planet! Love you honey and please be Safe!"

The wife smiled as her  child was  sleeping on her lap.

The man watched as the pod went further away from him knowing that this was the last time he saw his family, as he lied that there was another escape pod for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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