Crystals and Stones.

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Here we go on a new lesson, this time about Crystals and stones. Now I'm going to go ahead and say, you do not have to be a witch/wiccan/pagan/ECT. To work with crystals, it's for everyone but mostly witches do it. Onto the lesson.

We are learning how to use crystals and stones to get closer to our theriotype/s. First thing you're going to do, is search up what crystals are tied/represent your theriotype/s. If you can't find any matches for your kin, message me and I, your kitsune guide will respond as soon as possible to help you, my loves, Don't be afraid I don't bite...most of the time.

You can meditate, work with, use as jewelry, or put the crystals in your pocket/bag, put them on your alter, ECT.

You can't really find crystals that correspond with mythic creatures so if you need help with that, don't hesitate to contact me, remember as your guide I'm always here to help.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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