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Now let's discuss alters, and no not the alters that some use for deitys, I'm talking about making an alter for your (animal/plant/insect/ECT.) self! And if you have no idea how, or where to begin, let me explain and give you ideas.

Question 1: What is an alter, Kitsú ?
Well, an alter is a place where you give offerings, worship, and do rituals.

Question 2: How do I set up an alter, Kitsú ?
I wish I could tell you, but there is no right answer! Your alter can be anywhere, have anything, and be decorated however!

Question 3: What should I put on it, Kitsú ?
You can put anything on it that represents your (animal/plant/mythic/insect/ECT.) Self!  Even if its something that doesn't represent that (animal/plant/insect/ECT.) as long as it resonates with your inner self!

Ideas of what to put on it
Figures of you theriotype
Moon water
Statues of your theriotype
Written prays/spells
Pictures of your theriotype
A journal
Books of your theriotype or that you like
Tarot/Oracle cards

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