35 | in the middle of returning to the cadet corps

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Y/n held tightly on the reigns of her horse as she sped along with her friends, Eren in the front. They were on the way back to the Training Corps Camp to talk with Shadis, who Eren had remembered to have known his father.

When they made it, Y/n stood in the back, hiding behind Jean. She didn't want to face him, scared he'll make her run laps just for coming back. Sasha joined her a second later. Jean chuckled silently at their antics.

''Commander Shadis.'' Eren saluted as he stood at the front of their group.

Shadis told them they should go and talk in private. Just as they started heading in, Y/n's eyes fell on the Cadets practicing in the distance. Particularly to her brother, who had just overpowered another boy in the hand-hand-combat knife exercise. Y/n got sudden flashbacks to her own times in the Cadet Corps, to how she sparred with Jean, Sasha and Connie.

Then it downed on her. Leo was here.

Before they could go in, Y/n grabbed Hange's arm and held them back. Hange looked at her with their eyebrows furrowed. ''What is it, Y/n?''

''I know this is official Scouts business, sort of, but um . . .'' Y/n looked over to the Cadets, pointing them out to Hange. ''That's my brother over there. I told my mother recently about what had happened to my father, but he . . . he doesn't know.''

Hange looked from the Cadets back to Y/n. Their eyes softened and they placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder. ''Go over, we can handle this. If Levi tells you off about this, tell me and I'll kick his ass.''

Y/n managed a weak smile and gave a curt nod. ''Thank you, Squad Leader Hange.''

''Psh, stop with the formalities. Go.''

Y/n didn't waste any time. She walked over to the Cadets, watching as a few patted her brother on the back while he laughed. When she made it close enough, she cleared her throat, catching the attention of her brother and all the closest Cadets.

''Is there anything to celebrate, Cadet? Pushing over another untrained soldier should be nothing to be proud of,'' Y/n spoke, trying to sound as authoritative as possible. She hasn't seen her brother in a while. The least she could do was embarrass him.

A lot of the Cadets looked rather scared of her, probably eyeing the Wings of Freedom on her coat. Leo, on the other hand, just rolled his eyes. Y/n noted he'd gotten taller. ''We're all untrained here. 'Course I can celebrate being better.'' The people surrounding him looked at him with wide eyes. They definitely didn't know they were related.

''I don't like your attitude, Cadet.'' She tried to sound as much as Shadis as she could. It seemed to be working. ''How about you show off your supposedly superior skills off by taking me down?''

Leo furrowed his eyebrows. He eyed her up and down. ''Yeah, I don't think so. You're just gonna kick my ass.''

''Are you scared, Cadet?''

''Lay off it, Y/n.'' He looked around his friends, rolling his eyes. ''That's my sister.''

The people around him started to visibly relax, but Y/n groaned as she walked over to him. ''You're no fun!'' She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and brought him down so she could ruffle his hair. ''Being serious is annoying! You should've let me beat you a little bit, that'll put you in your place!''

''Tch, get off!'' Leo said as she pushed her hand off his head and turned to face her. The crowd had started to disperse. ''What're you doing here? I thought we weren't allowed visits.''

Y/n hummed. ''You aren't, but I'm here on official Scouts business. Squad Leader Hange gave me special permission to come see you.'' She clenched her fists in her jacket's pockets. How was she even supposed to bring this up?

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now