Chapter 16

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After Nie AnAn had showered and dried her hair that night, she looked at her long hair in the mirror and suddenly a thought occurred to her – could the Nie's wanted her over there so they could take her hair? It seemed easy to leave hair behind if she has a ponytail, but what about a bun? Nie AnAn pulled her hair into a bun in front of the mirror. As she was walking out of the bathroom, she tried to pull her own hair.

Yup, this was proven the safest approach, and she felt much better. She saw the couch and plopped on it while she continued to think about her interview tomorrow. As such, she hadn't noticed anything was off until the water sound stopped in the bathroom that was attached to the room. Shortly thereafter, the door opened, and a man walked out from it. Nie AnAn finally recollected herself and looked up.

The first thing she saw was a pair of long and large legs. They had strong contours and were straight and slender. Moving upward from there, there was a bath towel that was wrapped loosely around his waist. Then, it was the flat stomach with the very defined muscles that looked like chocolate chunks.

Nie AnAn continued to move her eyesight upward, and the next thing she saw was Huo YanXiao's face with his very defined features. His hair was still wet with a few loose strand of hair sticking to his forehead. His normally fierce, hard, and cold features looked softer than usual and, perhaps from the shower, also seemed warmer.

Nie AnAn's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open into a big O. She temporarily forgot how to react up until Huo YanXiao walked toward her and said in a mild tone, "AnAn, you looking for me?" Nie AnAn recollected herself and shook her head immediately, "Oh no, big brother. I accidentally walked into the wrong room." Having said that, she quickly jumped up and walked to head out of the room.

It seemed that her slippers were not slip-proof. After stepping on the water dripping from Huo YanXiao's body, she slipped and landed on the floor on her bottom. Huo YanXiao might have quick reflexes, but he was a little too slow this time and was only able to grab ahold of a small piece of her clothes. When she first landed on the floor, she was still in a zone, but the pain had made her small face cringed, looking both silly and pitiful.

Huo YanXiao squatted down immediately and asked, "AnAn, are you hurt?" Nie AnAn's eyes teared up from the pain. She shook her head and said, "No, just that my butt hurts." She looked at his body again and noticed that even when he was squatting down, there was no extra fat on his body.

The very next second, Huo YanXiao placed one hand under her knees and one behind her back and picked her up. Her nose was filled with the smell of his soap. With a sideward glance, she could see his collarbones. She felt that her heartbeat sped up all of a sudden. Huo YanXiao carried Nie AnAn into her bedroom and carefully placed her on it before he rubbed her on her head again. When he felt the bun on her head, he couldn't help but squeeze it a little and thought that it felt good squeezing it.

"Get some rest," said Huo YanXiao as he let go of her. Nie AnAn nodded obediently and said, "Mm. Goodnight, big brother." "Good night." Huo YanXiao was just about to walk away when he remembered something and added, "Even though it's summer time, the A/C is on. Don't kick off the blanket when you sleep."

"Okay, big brother," said Nie AnAn agreeably. Huo YanXiao turned and Nie AnAn took a quick glance at his back before she quickly averted her eyes. Big brother has such a hot body. Both his front or back views were every bit as good as a male model on the cover of a magazine. As Nie AnAn thought about that, she looked down on herself.

She was too small. So small that he still thought of her as a child and felt the need to tell her to not kick off her blanket when she slept. Nie AnAn couldn't help but pout.

After Huo YanXiao had left for work the next day, Nie AnAn went over to the Nie's in the morning. Mother Nie had wanted Nie ChengFeng to pick her up originally, but Nie ChengFeng rejected the suggestion by stating that was not something normally done for an interview. They wouldn't want to scare her off at this point.

Mother Nie had been waiting quietly at home all morning long. When the doorbell finally rang and the servant went to get it, she immediately put on the perfect smile that she had been practicing all morning long. Nie AnAn had on a white tee shirt and a light blue capri with her hair rolled up into a bun. When she walked inside, she smiled at Mother Nie and said, "Hi, Aunty! I am Nie AnAn, here to interview for the position of nutritionist."

The smile on Mother Nie deepened. She went over to hold Nie AnAn's hand and said passionately, "AnAn, I have watched your show. You are even cuter in person!" Having said that, she led Nie AnAn over to the couch and sat her down. She said in a friendly manner, "AnAn, how far away do you live? Was it hot on your way here?" Nie AnAn shook her head, "Not that far and I took the subway. It wasn't too hot."

"AnAn, I heard that you live with your brother?" asked Mother Nie again. "If your brother works all day long and doesn't have time to take care of you, you are welcome to come over and spend some time here." As soon as she finished saying that, Father Nie, who has just walked out of his study, gave a meaningful look to Mother Nie.

Even Mother Nie noticed that she was being too over the top friendly and quickly smiled and explained, "ChengFeng is our only child. He's always busy at work and doesn't come home a lot. Which is why when I see a cute girl like you, we'd think it's much better to have a girl. Girls are like a cotton padded jacket."

Nie AnAn smiled and her voice was soft as she said, "Mr. Nie is just like my brother, they both like to work a lot." Having said that, she changed the subject, "Aunty, Uncle, is Grandpa Nie home? Can we start our interview?"

"Oh my, look at me. Totally got distracted chatting with you," said Mother Nie as she got up, "Let me go and get the old man." Quickly, Grandpa Nie came and joined them. Nie AnAn also looked up at him as he was eyeing her.

Nie AnAn was well versed with gauging one's health status from their looks. By now, she has a pretty good idea. "Grandpa Nie must have the three Highs (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol)," she said. "And, I am also thinking about high blood viscosity and some bowel movement issues."

Now, Mother Nie was genuinely surprised. Even Grandpa Nie smiled as he sat down and said, "Ah, this little girl isn't just a pretty face." "Do you mind showing me Grandpa Nie's most recent check up report?" asked Nie AnAn.

Quickly, Father Nie went to get the report and handed it over to Nie AnAn. Nie AnAn read through it quickly before she put it away and said, "Judging from Grandpa Nie's condition, you need a low oil and low sodium diet, anything that's on the lighter side. But at the same time, you need to maintain a level of good protein. I suggest that you also intake more grains and fiber when intake of your protein..."

When it came to her profession, her eyes were filled with confidence. She might still seem soft, but she could be very convincing. "Let me make a few dishes for Grandpa Nie that afternoon that's suitable for his condition," said Nie AnAn. Mother Nie's eyes beamed when she heard that.

Nie AnAn grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the ingredients so the servants could go and get the items. She then started writing down recipes. It didn't take her long to fill several sheets of paper.

"Aunty, this is my suggestion for Grandpa Nie's daily meals, you can take a look," said Nie AnAn as she handed it over to Mother Nie. Her handwriting was soft and cute. They looked like rows and rows of mini Nie AnAn standing in a line. When Mother Nie saw that, her heart melted and wished she could grab and kiss the sheets of papers.

Everybody sat down at the dining table in the afternoon. Nie AnAn didn't feel very comfortable joining them, but after Mother Nie invited her fervently, she finally sat down and joined them. Mother Nie's eyes lit up as soon as she had her first bite. Looking over at Grandpa Nie, he too, was picking at the dishes continuously, much different than when he needed to be coaxed into eating usually.

Father Nie was being more conservative, but was still eyeing the other food as he was eating what was in his bowl. Mother Nie was a woman after all and couldn't eat too much. Looking at what was still remaining, she couldn't help but sigh to herself.

She picked up her cellphone and sent a WeChat message, "Yup, my good daughter is the best. She makes her mama tasty snacks!" Nie ChengFeng was mandated by his mother to give her messages special attention, so his phone alerted him immediately after she had finished sending the message.

He picked it up and saw a table full of food, obviously made by Nie AnAn. He typed his response on his phone, "Ho ho ho, I didn't know you have a daughter now."

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