Chapter 4: father and son reunite

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Right now, Indy and the group were in deep shit. Having woken up after being knocked out, they were tied up and in the back of a Nazi truck that was heading towards wherever the Nazis were using as a base.
"Where the hell are we?" Asked Adam, who had just regained consciousness.
Indy looked around and saw that there were a few locked boxes of guns on the floor of the truck that the group was in, along with him noticing that their wrists were tied up as the rest of the group woke up.
"Crap, we've been captured and probably going to be interrogated." Said Indy, who was familiar with being captured by Nazis.
"They'll probably want us to tell them where the ultimate grimoire is." Said Lucifer.
"If that's the case, then we should get out of here while we still can." Said Indy, who started trying to get the ropes untied.
In a few moments, Indy had managed to remove his restraints and untied the rest of the group while keeping quiet so the Nazis wouldn't notice that they were free.
"Now, we should get out of here before they notice we're gone. I'll hijack this truck and drive us out of here." Said Indy, whispering so their captives couldn't hear.
And with that, Indy went and snuck out to the side of the truck and opened the door and pulled the Nazi that was driving out onto the road and commandeered the truck so they would be able to drive off.
However, some Nazis that were driving behind the truck the group was in had noticed the group escaping and started firing at the group to try and Subdue them, but they were saved by the arrival of the mysterious man that was following the Nazis, who drove next to the car firing at the group and rammed it's side, making it crash into a lamppost and making the Nazis that were driving fly through the car's windshield and land onto the pavement.
With the help of the mysterious man who rammed a Nazi car, Indy and the group drove off to a place that they knew would be safe, which was the hotel, and when they made it to the hotel they brought the mysterious man in and locked the door with a plank of wood.
"Thank you for helping us, we may have been unable to escape." Said Indy.
"You're welcome, I hate Nazis with a burning passion." Said the mysterious man.
"Hold the phone, you just saved our asses, the least we could do is know your fucking name." Said Adam, who was confused about the mysterious man who helped them escape.
The mysterious man looked at Adam and gave a sigh, knowing that what he would say would be a massive surprise to Adam and the rest of the group.
"My name is Cain, and I want you to know dad, that I've missed you a lot." Said Cain, who was actually the mysterious man.
Adam was a bit stunned, but when he knew that his son was still alive and genuinely missed him, he started tearing up with grief and the realization that he or his exorcists could have killed Cain in the exterminations hit him hard enough that he felt the urge to vomit.
"It's nice to see you again, Cain." Said Adam, speaking with a voice of regret.
After Adam and Cain had exchanged emotions, Cain wanted to know why they had gotten caught by Nazis, so Indy showed him the ultimate grimoire, which he had managed to keep hidden from the Nazis in his satchel.
"This book has been what the Nazis are after, and they want to use it to take over heaven and hell. Now this hasn't been the first time that they wanted to use something supernatural to try to win in their favor, so it's clear that this never falls into their hands." Said Indy.
"Yeah, I can understand why it shouldn't be in Nazi hands." Said Cain, who now knew what was going on.
After Indy explained what the ultimate grimoire was, he opened it up and viewed its contents, which had spells, writing explaining what those spells do, and the most important spell being the spell that would make a portal from hell to heaven, which Indy had shown to the rest of the group.
At the same time Indy was looking through the ultimate grimoire to see what was in its contents, Adam and Cain talked about why Adam was in hell in the first place, what the ultimate grimoire was, and what would happen when it was finally given to heaven.
"That's actually really nice that I get to see mom again." Said Cain, who smiled at the thought.
When Indy found the spell to go from hell to heaven and revealed it to the rest of the group, they were pretty surprised as the way for a portal to be opened in the first place would be to find a place where it would form, along with that the ritual must be done right or the portal would open up to someplace else.
"Now we appear to be getting somewhere." Said Indy, who felt that the group was one step ahead of the Nazis.
Just then, Lucifer got an idea that might work if it was done right and without any hiccups or problems.
"What if we play the Nazis like a fiddle and make it seem like they win, but then pull the rug under them and make it so they actually lose?" Asked Lucifer, who was suggesting his idea for taking down the Nazis.
"That could work, we'll kind of make it up as we go along but we should still have some sort of plan." Said Indy.
Now with an idea to take down the Nazis, Indy and the rest of the group started to make up a plan to have the Nazis be defeated by their own actions, much like when they tried to use the ark of the covenant as a weapon but instead were killed by it instead.
Meanwhile, Adam was on a phone call with god and explained that Cain had found the group and what their new plan was.
"Interesting, Dr jones's plan is sure to succeed." Said god, speaking from Adam's phone.
"Okay, but how are the Nazis going to cause their own downfall?" Asked Adam.
"They won't expect heaven to actually defend themselves, so they'll be in for a big surprise and your exorcists will have one last fight." Said god, who knew what to do.
And with that, god hung up the call and Adam went to the group to help get their plan into motion to take down the Nazis and be able to have heaven and hell Nazi free.
(And this chapter is now complete. I hope you liked the reveal of the mysterious man being Cain. Feel free to comment your opinion on this chapter. I also plan to have Cain be one of the protagonists of this story.
Until next time,

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