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“When will you finally awaken from your slumber? I’m utterly exhausted from being left to face this cruel world alone.” I whispered, laying my head on the bed and clinging to her hand as I sobbed uncontrollably.

“Can you please refrain from whimpering like a child? It’s becoming increasingly grating.” She responded, her voice as icy as her gaze.

“Y/N, you’re finally awake! Oh, thank God! Do you feel any pain or discomfort? Do we need to run some tests or scans to ensure you’re not suffering from any internal injuries? Tell me the truth, and I’ll move heaven and earth to get you the best medical care possible.”

“Drop the act, already. We’re not in the past, and we’re certainly not friends. It’s just a gunshot wound, isn’t it? A minor setback, a flesh wound? I won’t forgive you anytime soon. Not until I avenge their deaths and make you pay for your betrayal.”

My lips drooped in disappointment, and my heart ached from her venomous words.

“It’s okay if you hurt me, Y/N. I understand your pain and anger. But please know that I genuinely care for you, that I’m here for you, no matter what. Trust me, trust that I want to help you heal, to make amends for my mistakes.”

But she turned away, avoiding my gaze, her eyes clouding over with a mixture of anger, hurt, and betrayal. She wasn’t ready to meet my eyes yet, to confront the emotions that simmered between us like a powder keg waiting to ignite.

“If you were truly genuine, you wouldn’t have toyed with my emotions or harmed my loved ones. All you’ve done is deceive me from the very beginning. Don’t assume I’ve forgotten the pain you’ve inflicted upon me – the sleepless nights, the tears, the anguish. While all I’ve been is kind and compassionate towards you, always trying to see the good in you, even when others couldn’t.”

I knew I had wronged her, and there was no denying it. The weight of my guilt was crushing me, and I couldn’t bear the thought of causing her any more pain. However, I couldn’t explain everything to her right now, not when she was suffering and hurt.

“I’m willing to accept any punishment you deem fit for me. For now, rest well, and don’t try moving around; it’s not good for your health. You need time to heal, both physically and emotionally.”

She scoffed, pulling her hand away from my grasp, her touch like ice. “I shouldn’t move around? Right – trapping me in your clutches is your favorite pastime, isn’t it? You’ve always tried to control me, manipulate me, use me for your own gain. Well, I’m not that naive girl anymore. I see you for who you truly are.”

I winced at her harsh words, knowing I had earned her scorn. But I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness as she turned away, her eyes blazing with anger and hurt. I longed to reach out, to comfort her, to make amends, but I knew I had to give her space. She needed time to heal, to forgive, and to trust again. And I needed to prove myself worthy of that trust. I shook my head, my denial firm but gentle, as I tried to calm the storm brewing between us.

“You left me, after consummating our marriage, without even a whispered goodbye. You vanished, leaving me to pick up the shattered remnants of my heart, like a discarded toy. And when I finally managed to glue the pieces back together, or so I thought, you reappeared, like a ghost from my past, to punish me for transgressions I’d never committed. Is this your way of reminding me that I’m forever bound to you, Kim Namjoon, like a prisoner to his chains?”

Her voice echoed through the room, a fierce and raw yell, as she hurled her accusations at me. Her eyes blazed with a fire that seemed to sear my very soul, and I felt the weight of her pain and anger like a physical blow. But I stood firm, my heart aching with empathy, as I tried to weather the tempest raging between us.

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