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Nickname: Iron pine

Location: Site 499

Keycard level: 4

Danger levelKeter

SCP-49232-A is a tree-like entity, resembling a pine tree, endowed with a mysterious ability to emit a low-pitched noise capable of inducing sleep in most creatures within a mere three-minute exposure. Auditory contact with this entity is strongly discouraged due to its sleep-inducing effects. SCP-49232-A exhibits locomotive capabilities similar to humans, presumably for hunting purposes. It targets humans, fish, and most mammals, lulling them into slumber before enveloping them within a constructed enclosure made from its root system. Once secluded, SCP-49232-A releases gases within the root-constructed enclosure, liquefying its prey for easy consumption.

Scenario 1B occurs approximately 50% of the time, in which  the entity consumes its prey and subsequently reverts them to their normal state. However, in Scenario 2B, SCP-49232-A undergoes violent tremors and expels SCP-49332-B, which are seeds maintained at a chilling temperature of -100 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent premature hatching and their transformation into additional SCP-49232-A instances. 

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