full moon

13 0 0

hi you know who you are. may 13 is approaching!

soundtrack - all ayesha erotica songs
metallica biography
I'm in love with the shape of your feet or something by ed sheeran
i see red - everybody loves an outlaw
deepthroat - cupcakke
disappear - mazzy star
kiss me - sixpence none the richer

aiden and funni sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g

Aiden and Funni grew up as arch enemies, never trusting each and always trying to one-up the other. Now, they find themselves stuck on a deserted island, alone together. For days, they argue and bicker, but slowly the resentment begins to soften. As food and water become scarce, they realize that they need to work together in order to survive. As days turn to weeks, they begin to open up to each other, sharing vulnerabilities and secrets.

the unexpected connection between these two alpha-wolves soon goes beyond a simple understanding. Aiden is quickly drawn to Funni's strong, masculine presence, while Funni finds himself entranced by Aiden's soft, fragile feet (wow juicy!!)

aiden would tease him, and make fun of his feet obsession saying things like "the only funni thing ab u is ur twinky love for feet" BUT secretly aiden also loved feet.

two feet lovers so it begins

aiden would beg for funni's attention and wouldn't leave him alone. like this one time funni was watching a video and aiden kept calling him.

As the weeks go by, Aiden and Funni's bond grows stronger, the trust between them deepening. They begin to see each other in a new light, one that's less antagonistic and more understanding. Funni begins to see the vulnerable and delicate side of Aiden, and Aiden begins to understand Funni's tough exterior. The time spent together alone without anyone else starts to feel more like a blessing than a curse. They begin to realize that they're not so different after all.

The full moon crept through the sky, bathing the island in its warm, golden light. Funni's eyes were drawn to the bright, pale disc as he lay awake in the darkness. He was alone, like so often before. That was the problem with being an alpha-wolf; not many wanted to get close to him once they found out what he was. As his gaze settled on the moon, a deep, primal feeling washed over him. It called him, urging him to shift forms.

Funni closed his eyes, focusing on the pull of the moon's energy. He could feel his body transforming, the fur growing over his skin, the bones snapping to make way for fangs and claws. As the final pieces of the shift settled into place, Funni opened his eyes and looked down at his transformed body. He let out a growl, the sound deep and animalistic. The beast within had come out to play.

Funni's primal desires were unleashed, at the sight of Aiden's feet

The sound of the growl cut through the silence, breaking Aiden out of his contemplation. He sat up, his body tense with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. In the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the shadow of a towering wolf standing in the moonlight. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the figure, trying to make out its shape through the darkness.

A slow, low growl escaped his throat as a wave of recognition washed over him.

next morning Aiden sat at his camp table, watching the light of the sunrise gradually break through the trees. The sound of birds chirping and the fresh smell of the island in the morning air filled him with a sense of contentment. He was about to take a sip of coffee when he heard a rustle of footprints approaching from deeper in the island. He looked up, and sure enough, it was Funni, emerging from the trees and walking towards the camp.

Funni approached the camp table and sat down across from Aiden. The tension between them was palpable, both of them aware of the shifts that had taken place on the island.

"Morning," Aiden said.

"Morning," Funni replied curtly.

They sat in silence for a moment, the atmosphere laden with unspoken emotions. Aiden's gaze was fixed on Funni, taking in every detail of his appearance, searching for clues that might explain what had been happening between them.

"What happened last night?" Aiden asked tentatively. He was cautious about bringing up the topic, not sure if Funni would admit anything or just brush him off.

Funni stared at him for a moment, before lowering his gaze to the ground. "I don't know," he finally said. "Something just... came over me. I shifted forms."

"You shifted forms?" Aiden asked, his curiosity growing.

"Yeah," Funni said, his voice quiet. "I don't know why. I just felt the pull of the moon's energy and... let it take over." He looked up at Aiden, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks. "I feel like that sounds ridiculous, but I swear it's the truth."

"Come here, baby girl" Funni said, in a low, seductive voice. (🤤🤤)

Aiden's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat at the sound of Funni's voice. He was completely caught off guard, his senses flooded with pleasure. His desire for Funni had reached a whole new level. all the resentment and animosity that had once been there disappeared into nothingness.
"disappear" by mazzy star plays in the background

"I want you so bad..👅" Funni whispered, his voice a throaty rasp. Aiden's heart surged in his chest at the words. He wanted Funni too, more than he ever thought possible.

"Kiss me," he whispered..TO BE COUNTINUED..(sorry for edging you)

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