Dear diary: Jongho

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25. 10. 200x

Dear diary,

On the first page of this diary, I don't really know what to write. This kinda feels strange and cliché, but oh well.

27. 10. 200x

Dear diary,

Today something really strange happened.

I was sitting at my usual place in the school's garden, alone as always, when one of the most popular guys approached me. He sat down in front of me without asking, which, like, what the heck. Then he went like:

"Hey, I'm Choi Jongho. Wanna be friends?"

I swear when he showed his gummy smile, my heart skipped a beat.

30. 10. 200x

Dear diary,

The weather is getting even colder if that's possible. Random info, I know.

As I was walking to school, Jungho popped up out of nowhere. He greeted me, and I greeted back awkwardly. This truly was strange, or should I say suspicious. Why did he want to be friends with me all of a sudden?

But to be honest,

It was nice to have someone trying to talk to me for the first time after so long

04. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

In the past few days, Jongho has constantly been keeping me company, and I am enjoying it quite a bit. I learned that he has a passion for music, that he really likes to sing. So, I asked him if he could sing for me. He smiled and said that he would, at some point. Then I told him that I also have a passion for music, that I'm playing the saxophone. He got so surprised, jaw on the floor, and asked me to play for him. I smiled in return, saying that I would, at some point.

06. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

Whattttsssss UP?

Today, one of Jongho's friends, Wooyoung, if I'm not mistaken, came up to me and started a conversation. It was awkward to be honest, like the whole thing was so random. At some point he started to get a bit touchy, which I don't think he realised since he was so into talking about this one Changbin guy, who apparently is small and annoying. With the corner of my eyes, I spotted Jongho. I smiled as to say hi.

He looked mad though?

10. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

Jongho asked if I wanted to go to the arcade with him. I obviously agreed. We had a blast, it was so much fun that we didn't realize that it was already 10 pm.

As we were walking home, an awkward silence took over us after all the laughter and joy. When we arrived in front of my house, I finally spoke:

"You know, I'm really grateful for this. I know we just have known each other for a short amount of time, but still. I'm happy to be able to call you my... friend". Then I gave him a grateful smile, looking deep into his eyes. He gave me his signature gummy smile in return, and even though it was dark and the weak lamppost a couple of meters away from us was the only source of light,

I could still see his blushing cheeks

13. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

I think he's adorable

16. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

He's kinda hot while being angry (P.S, it's NOT a kink)

17. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

He's so kind and gentle that my heart melts every single time

19. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

I think I like Choi Jongho

20. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

We were sitting in the garden at lunch as usual, and at some point, the atmosphere got thick, or should I say intimate.

He inched closer and closer, and I couldn't bring myself to stop him. When he's soft marshmallow like lips touched mine, my heart left my chest to run a marathon. All the blood in my body rushed to my cheeks and my breath got stuck in my throat. I hope that the kiss didn't feel too weird to him as I'm not experienced, AT ALL.

We both didn't want to pull away, and none of us had any plans to do so any time soon. After a while however, we unwillingly pulled away slowly because of the lack of air. We smiled at each other like two idiots. The he said:

"I guess you're my girlfriend now"

23. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what it is about me that got him interested. Looks? Hell no, not with these never ending pimples when there are lots of girls out there, more gorgeous than me and would kill to be with him. Personalit- Nope. We never EVER talked before.

So what the hell was it?

26. 11. 200x

Dear diary,

Today at school, as I was about to pass another classroom in the empty hallway, I heard some familiar noises inside one of them. It felt like my name got mentioned, so I got curious. But it was like I knew that the worst was waiting for me. I stopped beside the open door and leaned on the wall, trying to listen to what they were talking about

Then I heard one say:

"You know, I think it's time to end this bet, I don't want you to suffer more with that Y/N bitch. You did a good job, the PS5 is yours". The rest of the dudes just laughed.

I gulped, trying desperately to swallow the lump stuck in my throat. I felt my heart drop to my stomach helplessly and the stupid tears getting free, my head hanging low. I should have known. All of it was too good to be true. I started walking away slowly, all the disappointment attached onto me.

I guess It really was meant to be me, myself and I

Note: blast Monster

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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