tvam Vina aham swargamapi na ichaami

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And so I am now writing a full fledged chapter on it.

(Translation: I don't even want the Swarga without you)


Hers were the most beautiful pair of eyes Rama had ever seen

The lady whom he had met in that garden a few days ago, whom he had been engaged to in the swayamvara was, to put it simply, the most divine woman he had ever laid his eyes on. Sita, her name, had invoked some sort of emotion in Rama which he didn't know existed.

Sita, named after a furrow. Bhumija, the one born out of earth. And well, she was the literal personification of her mother Bhumi. She, just like the earth, had the ability to nurture. She had that motherly aura around her which provided comfort to anyone in a need for it. Just like Bhumi could grow what was sown in it, Bhumija could return the love and admiration shown to her by giving back ten times of it.

But, just like Bhumi, she too had a fierce sense of self respect, a blazing sense of purity. Like Bhumi, she too had a great tolerance. But once that tolerance is tested, once that self respect is hit, then her anger could bring a draught, a draught of happiness and peace.

She had a great sense of determination. If she had set her mind over something, then there existed no force in the world which could stop her. One gaze of hers was enough to either melt, or burn everything that existed, such were her eyes.

A strong lady whose love and admiration could strengthen anybody, but whose anger could destroy the universe.
And he loved her so much for that.


Sita and Rama sat on a small bench on the banks of Sarayu, under the moonlit sky, with her head on his shoulder in comfortable silence.

Few months into their wedding, and they were the most blissful days ever. All the four couples would spend their time happily, either engaging in affairs of the kingdom or the other times, just enjoying each other's company.

"Rama" Sita suddenly called out, looking at him with mischief filled eyes. He looked back, his eyes smiling

"Tell me, Priyathame" He said cheesily, making her blush and laugh at the same time.

"Well, do you remember the day Papa and the mothers arrived to Mithilla, along with a fair number of people from Ayodhya?" She asked, slowly drawing circles on the backside of his palm with her thumb

Rama smiled
"Yes, Sita. What about that?"

She turned to face him completely
"There were a lot of Maidens of marriable ages in that procession" She said

"The courtiers' daughters. What about them?" He asked, a smirk creeping onto his face as he caught hint of what she was trying to say, but wanted to hear it from her mouth

She huffed in irritation
"They were looking at you with expressions that I did not appreciate" she said, turning away

Rama laughed heartily, and looked at her with unmatchable love
"Were you jealous, PranPriya?" He whispered into her ear. She turned as red as a beetroot, seeing which he laughed again

"I wasn't jealous, but merely alert. You see, Nalina dalekshana," She said, smirking a little at his beetroot face
"I need to be cautious. Your face, ShyamaSunadara, which resembles the Chandra, does make people fall for you. Your eyes, Kamala nayana, lotus like and forest green, captivates the entire universe. Your dusky skin, My NeelaMeghaShyama, makes people melt into a puddle on the ground. Your long arms, Ajanabahu, makes people want to just run into them and stay there forever. Your strong grip on your bow, Sarangapani, makes people want to become the target of one of your arrows, for an arrow from your quiver would not hurt, it would be like a rain of flowers. What do I do, Ikshvaku Kula tilaka, I need to be cautious, or else, some other maiden might just steal this Raghuvamsha Shiromani, this Surya of Suryawansha, from me!"

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 12 ⏰

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