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"What happened? You look awful." Was the first thing Eijiro said as he entered Katuski's place.

"Thanks. I also feel awful. I've been having a fever these past few days." Katsuki replied as he wiped his runny nose.

"You sound awful, too."

"Sore throat. Pretty sure it's an infection."

"Why didn't you tell me, man? I would've come running right away. I literally texted you last night." The red head said as he set the plastic bag with medication and snacks down on the table.

Katsuki shrugged as he covered himself with a blanket. He looked like a cacoon.

"You look like our old professor, Mr. Aizawa." Eijiro chuckled as he grabbed a cold water bottle and a pill. "Here take it." He said, as he handed both things over to the blonde.

Katsuki took it with no hesitation, he winced in pain as he drank some water. "That hurts..." he groaned in pain. "I hate fevers, they suck ass."

Eijiro smiled, "Yeah that's the point. They're supposed to hit you hard. I'm assuming you haven't made an appointment to see a doctor?"

Katsuki nodded, "I hate doctors. Besides it'll pass, doctors are a waste of time." He responded as he shivered in his blanket.

"Have you eaten?"

He shook his head, if he recalled correctly he hadn't eaten since two days ago.

"It hurts to eat. Also I'm not hungry."

Eijiro sighed, "Well at least try to eat something yeah? I can cook you something." He responded as he walked over to the fridge to see what he could whip up. It was empty.

"You have no groceries. Why didn't you tell me? I would've brought something."

"I forgot."

Eijiro face palmed as he grabbed his car keys. "Wait here, I'll bring something for us to eat. If you need me, call me right away. I'll try not to take long."

"Where else am I supposed to go?" Katsuki replied with a slight chuckle.

"Right. Anything in mind?"

"Nah, not picky right now." The blonde said as he covered his mouth with his blanket and coughed.

"Won't you get sick being here with me?"

"Nope, I don't get sick very easily. See you in a bit." Eijiro answered as he shut the door and went on his way.

Katsuki laid sideways on the couch, he felt shitty. Too shitty. To make things worse, his boss kept calling him, asking when he'd be fully recovered. Not even he knew the answer.

Just then the doorbell rang, Katsuki sat up fast, he felt dizzy. He figured he should take it slow. He slowly got up and felt his feet wobble, he felt too weak. Regardless, he made his way towards the door.

"Did you leave something behind Eijiro-" he paused as he opened the door. To his surprise it wasn't the red head. His eyes widened as he stepped a bit back, maybe that wasn't a good idea.

His balance immediately felt off and he could've sworn he would've fallen back if it wasn't for Shoto catching him.

"Hey, it's okay. You're burning up." Shoto softly said as he placed a hand on the blonde's forehead.

"I'm fine." Katsuki weakly replied, as he coughed more.

Shoto frowned slightly as he carried the blonde and gently placed him down on the couch.

It felt humiliating for Katsuki but he didn't have enough strength to fight back. "You should leave. Don't wanna get you sick."

"It'll be fine." Shoto replied, as he went over to the kitchen to wet a rag. He then came over and placed it on the others forehead.

"Did you take medicine already?"

Katsuki nodded. "Yep, I'll be fine. Why did you come? How'd you know I lived here?"

"You told me before." Shoto responded, how funny. Katsuki never remembered telling him, or maybe he did and was just too sick to remember.

"You still haven't answered my question though."

"You haven't called or texted me in over two weeks. Why? Did I do something that annoyed you?"

Katsuki frowned, 'Maybe it's because I didn't want to hear about your stupid fiance and trying to forget the feelings I have for you.'

He thought, not that he'd say it. "I've been busy with work."

Shoto hummed, "I suppose."

There was an awkward silence, it felt strange. Katuski had known Shoto since they were children but he come to the realization that he didn't really know him as much as he thought he did. He was upset at that, he wanted to know more of Shoto but there was no point in it.

He sighed softly, hoping Eijiro would arrive fast. In that moment the door opened, the blonde's wish had come true.

"I brought food, hope ramen is good for you-" Eijiro froze as he saw Shoto. "Didn't know someone else was here. You should told me so I could've brought more food Katsuki."

Shoto stood up in that moment, "It's alright. I was just leaving, I have a meeting to attend to." He replied as he  grabbed a pen from his blazer and a piece of paper.

Katsuki wondered what he was writing down, a few seconds of silence went by before Shoto handed the piece of paper to Katsuki.

"Get well, call me if you need anything at all. I'll come right away." He said, as he smiled at Katuski.

The blonde was thankful his face was red from the fever. It wasn't obvious how hard he was blushing, thank the heavens.

With that Shoto left, Katsuki felt his heart sink as he watched him go. He wished he could've stayed. But sadly, that wasn't possible, Shoto had things to get to. Including his fiance.

Fiance. What a strange word. One that caused pain. How hated being sick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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