Chapter 27

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Gemini's POV

The overwhelming support we received from Khunoos were beyond my expectations. Of course inevitably, there's still some that disagree with our actions on stage. Some said we're queer baiting and some had said we're just doing promotional fan service for our upcoming series together.

None of that was true.

Which what pissed me off because what do people want from us actually especially in terms of being a BL ship couple?

They expected a ship couple to be lovey dovey, can't have girlfriend or can't be straight or can't have other acting partners but when a ship couple became real or have same gender partner in real life they turned against us.

Some fans and the society are really unfair sometimes.

I'm just glad that I have Fotfot by my side now and that his family and the people close around us are very supportive of our relationship.

*Incoming Call*

My train of thought were cut off when I suddenly received a call from my mother which is odd because she never called me first. They're too busy which I understand and because they're not in the country, they usually would just leave a text message.

"Hello? How are you doing, Ma?", I greeted as soon as I answered the call.

"Hello, son. I'm good, we're good. Uhm where are you right now?"

"I'm at my condo, why? Is there a problem?", I asked a little worried.

"No no everything is fine but we do want to speak with you about something. We're getting on a flight back to Thailand right now. I'll call you back once we landed. Come to the house, okay?"

"Okay. Do you want me to pick you up at the airport?", luckily my schedule is free tomorrow, I can finally spend the day with my parents. It's been so long since I've seen them.

"It's okay we already have a driver waiting for us.", my mom answered.

"Alright, Ma. Have a safe flight. By-"

Before I could say my goodbye the line were cut off abruptly. She hung up on me again. This is not the first time it happened but I've been noticing the lack of communication between me and my parents.

Yes we're not close in the first place due to their busy schedules plus mine when I started working myself. Our schedules just never aligned even more with the time zone differences. Naturally we drifted apart.

I would text one thing and will get a reply within 3-5 business days. It feels like business relationship more than anything.

They stopped congratulating me on my achievements long ago and never cared about any series or movies or concerts that I'm in. Entertainment industry were never their cup of tea in the first place so I'm grateful when they let me embark on my dream of being a celebrity.

I let out a sigh as I lean back on the couch when suddenly a hand was placed on my arm, rubbing it gently.

"Are you tired, my gem?", Fotfot's soft voice can be heard from my side.

"No, there's just a lot in my head right now."

"Care to tell me what is it?"

Another sigh escaped my lips before I sit up to look at my gorgeous future husband.

"Do you know what makes me want to become a celebrity?", I asked my voice a little strained.

"Hmmm because you always have a natural talent for acting, singing and even dancing?", Fourt answered a little unsure. "I guess I never really asked you that huh. I always just thought it's what you were born for no question asked."

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Where stories live. Discover now