The beginning

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Jungkooks POV

The grand ballroom shimmered with the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, casting intricate patterns across the polished marble floor. I sat amidst the sea of tailored suits and elegant gowns, feeling a sense of anticipation thrumming through the air. It was a gathering of power and influence, a rare occasion where the most formidable Mafia families converged under one roof.

At the head of the room stood Kim Hanuel, a figure of authority and respect. His voice boomed over the murmurs of conversation, commanding the attention of everyone present. I watched with rapt attention as he raised his glass, signaling for silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his voice resonated, echoing against the walls. "Tonight, we celebrate not only the unity of our families but also the future of our empire."

The room fell into a hush, anticipation crackling like electricity in the air. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for the announcement that would undoubtedly shape the course of our world.

The big wooden doors opened and stepped in someone who I never in a million years anticipated would be here. My emotions were overwhelming me seeing him stand infront of me after so many years.

As Kim Hanuel placed a hand on his son's shoulder, declaring him the future leader of their family

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

As Kim Hanuel placed a hand on his son's shoulder, declaring him the future leader of their family. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. It wasn't just the announcement that stunned them; it was the sight of Kim Taehyung ,the heir to the biggest mafia family himself.

Taehyung stood there, tall and graceful, with features so striking they seemed carved by angels. His face, adorned with high cheekbones and soft, doe-like eyes, radiated an otherworldly beauty that mesmerized the room. His hair, a cascade of dark silk, framed his face like a halo, enhancing his ethereal presence.

Whispers swept through the assembly, mingling with the soft strains of music. Some exchanged incredulous glances, unable to reconcile the image of such an angelic figure with the ruthless world of the Mafia. Others, captivated by his beauty, found themselves drawn to him despite their reservations.

As the murmurs echoed through the grand ballroom, Jungkook's eyes widened in disbelief. Among the sea of familiar faces, one stood out like a beacon amidst the crowd—Kim Taehyung. His mind raced, struggling to reconcile the image of the angelic figure before him with the memories of his ex-best friend.

A surge of conflicting emotions washed over Jungkook as he watched Taehyung stand blankly by his father's side. There was shock, of course, at the unexpected revelation. But beneath that, there was a pang of something deeper—a sense of betrayal mingled with a twinge of longing for the friendship they had once shared.

Memories flooded Jungkook's mind, of days spent laughing and scheming together, of secrets whispered in the dark corners of their neighborhood. They had been inseparable, two mischievous boys with dreams of conquering the world. But somewhere along the way, their paths had diverged, leading them down separate, and now seemingly irreconcilable, paths.

What had led him to this moment, standing at the precipice of power and influence in the world of the Mafia?

But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, one thing remained clear—no matter how much time had passed, no matter how much they had changed, the bond they once shared still lingered, a ghost of what once was. And as Jungkook grappled with the revelation before him, he couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross once more, whether by fate or by design.

What is their past?
Why was jungkook shocked to see taehyung? Find out by this this😐

Unspoken Bonds| Taekook जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें