Chapter 1

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Me: Before we start the story, the plot is similar to the Ice Age 1 movie story, but with some changes of me, and in this Au shaak ti dies, but you have to wait and find out. ¡Enough taking me and lets begin!

The story begins when the town of citizen of aliens are going to a place so they can be warm and cozy from the winter cold.

Me: Before we continue these are some oc star war aliens, ok now back to the story

They going to a trail to the path, then a cyborg is walk through the trail, some of the citizens didn't really care, but other are pissed of about it.

Alien jerk: hey you!! Metal head

Grievous look at him

Alien jerk: move along the side!!

Grievous: *he growls angrily at him* be careful what you said to me

Alien jerk: *with a scared face* sorry but me and my family are getting thorough

Grievous: *look at him and his family* fine go ahead, and don't make me see you again

Then grievous just walk by then leave him. The alien jerk thought himself will be tough, but he didn't and all he can think of that he lived. Because he did know his story of his pass life what he was before

Me: and now we meet the insect/bug alien, his name is Miek, and his story was a bounty Hunter, but he was not really good at his job, but before he met grievous, he was sent to do a mission to kill General grievous, he bust him out of prison, but then he try to kill grievous, grievous felt he was going to die with no hope, then shaak ti save grievous from death and stop miek from killing him

Me: and then later when grievous and miek were sent to exile by the Jedi temple in the prison cell, but meaning shaak ti and grievous love well be pull apart from each other, and that miek felt bad for both of them.

I'm not really a good drawer but here what he looks like

Me: yeah I know he from a marvel animation movie, but I love his design

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Me: yeah I know he from a marvel animation movie, but I love his design

Miek was sleeping in a cave, and then he wake up

Miek: *yawned* oh man that's was a good night sleep, have about you Zeke

Miek realize that his roommate Zeke left him behind

Miek: oh man, this is the 4th time that a roommate left me. Why they always leave me, do no one care miek

Then one of the town person just walk by fast

Miek: fine I go alone *then he step on the town person pet poop* ewww, !!hey you next time pick your pet poop *then he slide his foot trying to get rid of the poop*

Me: then we meet the two plants eater alien, they not really important characters but just there

Jame: I can't believe it there a few plants left for us

Jake: I know and I can't wait to fest down

Then Miek is sliding down and ruin the food that jame and Jake have

Miek: finally I got rid of that *then he find some plants left* oh finally some food *then he started to eat the plants*

Jame and Jake were angrily at him for eating their food, then Miek was finish the food, and then he realized that it's were there food

Miek: oh uhh, oh I didn't know it's was yours *he back up slowly and trip over* oh wait what this, a poison ivy mmm mm my favorite *then he eats it's* oh mm, that a bit tangly taste *then he put in jake mouth* here eat it I didn't want it you can have, bon appetit *than he run away scared*

Jake and jame look at each other

Jake: now?

Jame look at the insect running

Jame: now!!

Then Miek is screaming trying to run away and not get hurt or even get killed

Me: That the end of part 1, and I'm happy to make this, because I was watching some star war and ice age and thought why not use for the story that I'm making. But I can't wait to make part 2, see you next time bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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