Ch. 23 Xmas party

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Had to rewrite this shit

An pov Dec 13

Agh... I'm literally using the warmest blanket in the house yet... It's still so fucking cold! Ugh...

Wait.... I feel like I'm forgetting something...


A message from Kohane?

My only GF🥰
An Chan! It's the Christmas party!

Ah so that's what I was forgetting.

I got up, still cold.

I still, of course, had to maintain fashion even if it's cold!

I packed the little hamster plushie and went outside the house.

I tried to be careful since mom was sleeping.

Ah, the streets were just so cold...

*Insert cafe bells*

I bells fluttered and shaked a ringing sound as soon as I opened the door.

"Hey dad!" I greeted. "Ah. An. Hello." He greeted back.

"So erm dad why'd you open the cafe early today?"
I asked, waking over to him.

"... Actually the cafe is still closed. If you can see over there... The sign says y'know..."
He narrowed his eyes at the door.

I looked behind to see the open sign Infront. Meaning the closed sign was visible when entering.

"I only opened it to go inside. Well actually I am opening early. I was gonna open it later. Say, what time is it?"

I got my phone out of my pocket. 5:30...

"It's 5:30."
I replied.

"I see. Go take a seat or... Scroll down TikTok."
He shrugged and went back to the kitchen.

I got down to the seat. I opened TikTok and went scrolling. Then my face lit up an idea.

I wanted to flip the sign. I mean dad said he wanted to open so I guess?

I got up and went outside to flip the sign.

When I was about to flip it... A loud anonymous voice came up.

"An Chan!!!!!!"
I heard the voice getting louder and louder. Later on the figure jumped on me.

"An chan! Merry Christmas!"
It was Kohane.

"Kohane~! It's not Christmas it's only the school Christmas party! Not actual Christmas!"
I returned the hug.

She was very warm...

"An! Foods ready!"
My dad called out.

I invited Kohane for breakfast cause I know that she doesn't eat breakfast often.

She rubbed her hands and blew them then she went inside.

"Ah. Kohane your here too. An invited you huh?"

"Hello, Ken San. Yes she did invite me."

We both sat down on the chair booths.

"Since the weather is pretty cold. I made some hot miso soup. Here y'all go."
He gave us two bowls and put it on the table.

Ah... So warm. Like Kohane.

I put my hand in the table and started slurping the soup.

Kohane looked back at me.

"You don't think it's hot? It's pretty hot for me..."
She asked, midway slurping her soup.

I didn't reply so she shrugged. She put her hand on mine which was on the table.

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