The Jaded DemiGoddess

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-Now, before anything, temper your expectations. I'm still not an artist. I can't draw people maps, weapons, and stuff like yes people no, so I'm using ChatGPT for art my artist is already working on stuff for my other stories, mainly Digimon and Rouges, so bear with me for now-

First encounter

First encounter

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World: 6788

Age: 22

DOB: Nov 16

Job/Occupation: Assassin(formerly), Thief

Stats: Range from -A to S aside from intelligence, which is a -C

Backstory: After being "found" on the street by a world renown European assassin named Faust he saw something in her and took her in. Seeing she had a knack for fighting he began to train her the same way he was, turning her into the crescent moon assassin scourge of Japan by the age of 12. After a job started to bring up old wounds she had a change of heart and putting to rest the Crescent Moon Assassin, she used her skills to steal from high ranked targets CEOs, Celebrities, Royalty. When Faust came to her with a job that involved stealing from the Daimyo during Jade Tree festival she couldn't be more excited to stick it to the bastard that "killed" her family. Sneaking into his castle and into his vault, Aiko steals a sacred treasure called The Left Eyes of Yamamoto leaving its twin behind.

Gear: RGB changing Carbon Fiber stealth suit, multiple types of shuriken, nano morph batons, holo tech hacking device

Skills(before the left and right eye): Advance acrobatics, Mastered Material Arts, Enhanced Senses, enhanced stealth, physical pain resistance, enhanced physical attributes, Mastered Weapons.
After L. Eye: Enhanced BIQ, Enhanced Intelligence, Precognition, Extrasensory sense, Photographic memory, Resistance to magic/mental attacks.
After R.Eye: Further enhancements to physical stats, Further resistance to physical damage, Battle Rage, Regeneration.
When combined: Energy Manipulation, Oni and Kami magic, Transformation, Minor Reality Warping, Nullification of damage types.

Weaknesses: Shortened life expectancy, Weakened Eyesight, Weak Psyche, Heightened sense of morality, obsession to win at all cost.

Description: Mikazuki Aiko is probably one of, if not the best, fighter in the multiverse, followed only by Iron Fisted and T-X ( see file designated Alien Windup toy for further explanations). Years of training and mastering the art of assassination have left her body in a superficial state of awareness, promoting perfect reaction guile in any situation. Coupled with the boost provided by The Eyes of Yamamoto, she is the perfect weapon. R&D have argued power scaling from the uppermost Island level to the lowest level of Planetary; without a stable cross-dimensional portal, they can only hypothesize where she scales.

Countermeasure: Upon review of the file, one may conclude that Mikazuki Aiko is invincible with physical nullification mental and magic resistance. You could conclude that there is no countermeasure. Still, it has been proven that she can become easily overpowered against opponents on equal footing in an area with unpredictable changes to temporal flow. A specialized trap has been created to match these conditions in a situation where she goes rogue along with a polymorphic adaptive organism that can copy the physical stats and traits of those it sees.

For further information see files Alien Windup Toy, subsection allies, T-X, subsection mentors, or Nephilim Can Weep

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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