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[Name] sat there looking at his grandmother on the hospital bed. She did not look lifeless, which made him feel a little better. It was sickness that kept her down on the bed. The doctors did not know what type of sickness, so they had to keep her at the hospital if it got worse.

They did not know if she would get better or not and that scared him. Then here came the bills. They were not well off, but they also were not in poverty. They were cozy just enough for them. Since seventy percent was taken care of, they need to pay thirty percent. Those were not the only bills that needed paying.

They still had rent to pay since they live in an apartment. Plus, they still have food to buy for themselves and their cat. There were also phone bills it just started to pile up. [Name] looked at the clock in the room soon realizing he needed to leave. He has a job at a convenience store he does not really mind. 

Just as long it pays him. Getting up and saying goodbye to the nurses and doctors. He was walking very quickly. He just did not want to be late. Soon arriving he entered the store and said hello to the other employee. He went to the break room and put his stuff in a locker. That the convenience store had for their staff.

"How's your grandmother." His friend Osaki Ryoichi who happened to be the other employer.

"Ah she is doing better, her tests are coming back good, and she looks better to." [Name] said with a look of relief. "That's good like really good anyways it my break I'll be back."

After saying goodbye to each other [Name] was left by himself. The convenience store was in a quiet part of town. They do not really get many customers unless it is the weekend. While name was standing there watching the tv the door opened. "Hello, welcome." The person just kept walking not acknowledging him.

[Name] was used to it. He either got the nice people, people that do not really care about anything, or just rude people. A couple of seconds later the guy was in front of him and put a chocolate bar down. "¥155" while [Name] watched him pull out the money.

He saw he was wearing a large jacket for his figure and grayish but blue hair poking out of his hood. The guy gave him ¥310 instead of ¥155 while [Name] was getting the rest of the guy change, he started speaking. "So [Last Name] how your grandmother." 

[Name] just froze for a second. He never met this person so how could he know? While stilling getting his change a lot quicker he placed them in the guy's hands. "She fine." He said bluntly. He figured that Osaki had told the guy. He talked before thinking but the [Name] did not mind that, but he was uncomfortable. 

The man was about to say something until Osaki walked in. "Man, that restaurant that a couple minutes from here is closed due to the kitchen catching on fire." The man quickly walked out. "What was that all about." Osaki said while looking at [Name]. "Just another weird costumer... again."

Osaki just hummed in response. Osaki just went behind the counter with [Name] also noticing that he was quiet. "Everything all right?" He asked. "Huh yeah, yeah everything fine." Osaki just dismissed the topic, not wanting to barge.

A few hours later [Name] shift finally ended. Osaki already went home since his shift starts earlier than [Name]. [Name] quickly rushed to the back and got his stuff while rushing to the entrance of the building. After saying a quick goodbye to employer, he is not close with he was out the building. 

While [Name] was walking, he heard something behind him. [Name] kept walking not bothering to look behind but did increase his pace. The noise that he heard was footsteps and their pace was increasing too. He made a rational decision and turned around. He saw the same guy that was at the convenience store an hour earlier. "What are you doing." He said with a strong tone.

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