Confirmed Murder

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A WEEK AFTER, the anxious survivors now think that eachother is a killer.
After a while Dorothea asks everyone to meet at the kitchen table to discuss their way back to the capital.
Makayla with a grin approaches the chatting survivors, with a brief pause
Bruce who was standing infront of Makayla falls down.

Blood covering his coat dripping on to the floorboards, while Makayla her hands grasping a kitchen knife "One down five more to go!"- She muttered.

The terrified survivors each run away in different directions down the hallways.

Alaska and José, try opening the front door but its been boarded up from outside. The windows are also boarded up from before they entered.

While Dorothea and Enzo sprint down the hallways to the bedroom closet locking the door.

"Hmm... Where are all my friends gone?" The demented woman calls out in the distance.

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