21: Unexpected Ally

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You clutch your new flowers close to your chest, basking in their fragrance. Even though you weren't really planning on something like this, you have to admit, you're happy with how it turned out. Your pathetic excuse for an apartment could certainly use some brightening up. It'll be a mood-lifter. Especially after all the horrible shit that went down there last night.

Right. I still need to call my landlord and have him fix the window. I actually almost forgot about that.

In a way, it's a good thing, because it means that spending time with Caleb and Elliot helped distract you from the miserable reality of your life. This happy illusion obviously can't last forever, but you're determined to make the most of it while you still can.

"I didn't know you were friends with a vampire," Caleb remarks all of a sudden. Needless to say, it catches you off guard, and you nearly trip over your own feet.

"Huh-I mean, what?"

"Elliot. He's a vampire, right? I didn't pick up on it at first, but I saw his fangs when he screamed at me, and he was a lot stronger than I expected him to be."

You lower your eyes to the ground. "Um... yeah. Sorry. I didn't mention it because I didn't think it was a big deal or anything. Plus, he's already really self-conscious because of how most people avoid him, so I thought he'd feel more comfortable if you didn't know. But now that I think about it, that might not have been the right call, given... what happened before."

Caleb chuckles softly. "Nah. Well, I'll admit that when he screamed at me like that, I did have a brief flashback to that whole incident with Kai, but that was just my fight-or-flight instinct. I know better than to assume all vampires are bad people just because one of them is. Besides, you're a good judge of character. That already says a lot about him."

It feels like a weight has just been lifted off your chest. Truthfully, when you ran into Elliot earlier, part of you was worried about how Caleb would react, especially since his interactions with that asshole Kai have already done a number on him. But you should have known better. Caleb isn't the type to discriminate. He's the nicest guy you've ever met. It goes without saying that he would give everyone a fair chance.

"Thank you for being so open-minded," you smile. "And you're right. Elliot is nothing like Kai. I wouldn't be friends with him if that were the case."

"Although if you ask Kai, I'm sure he would describe you two as being friends too," Caleb sighs tiredly.

"Well, he's free to believe whatever he wants. I could care less about a violent douchebag like him."

Caleb nods, and he even smiles a bit, presumably comforted by your words. Bitching about Kai is rather cathartic, admittedly. The two of you should really do it more often.

You get back to Caleb's apartment to drop off your new lilacs, and you make sure to set them up in a nice spot where they'll get plenty of sun, even if it's only temporary. You're not used to having flowers, but you want to make sure that you do a good job.

Afterwards, you head back out to enjoy the rest of your day off. You stop by a nice pastry shop and pick out some dessert, like you talked about earlier, and you grab a cup of coffee while you're at it too. It's not the best coffee you've ever had (you could honestly make it way better yourself), but it's nice just to be out and about with a friend.

Everything is going well. You're happy and carefree, even if it's only within an illusion you've concocted for the sake of your own sanity.

But then, your phone buzzes.

You make the mistake of checking it while you're with Caleb, and your face drops.


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