Buck's relief

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Buck felt his heart racing as he drove home from the grocery store, the bags of food beside him in the passenger seat. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he tried to focus on the road, but the panic attack was overwhelming.

Desperate for a lifeline, he reached for his phone and dialed Eddie's number. Eddie was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, with Christopher playing in the living room. As the phone rang, Eddie's heart skipped a beat, sensing the urgency in Buck's voice when he answered.

"Buck, what's wrong?" Eddie's voice was laced with concern as he heard Buck's uneven breathing.

"I-I don't know, Eddie," Buck managed to choke out. "I just can't breathe, I feel like I'm suffocating."

Eddie's mind raced with worry as he tried to soothe Buck over the phone. "Listen to my voice, Buck. Focus on your breathing, okay? You're not alone, I'm right here with you."

As Buck tried to calm down, Eddie's attention was drawn to Christopher, who had wandered into the kitchen. "Dad, who are you talking to?" Christopher asked, his eyes wide with concern.

"It's Uncle Buck, buddy. He's feeling a little scared right now, but I'm going to help him," Eddie explained, giving Christopher a reassuring smile.

Christopher nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation as he went back to the living room.

Eddie returned his focus to Buck, gently prompting him to describe something, anything, to distract him from the panic. "Buck, look at a picture on your phone. Tell me what you see."

Buck hesitated for a moment before opening his phone gallery. As his eyes landed on a particular photo, a small, knowing smile touched his lips despite his distress. "It's a big picture, Eddie," Buck began, his voice more steady now. "It's a picture of you."

Eddie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Me? What am I doing in the picture?"

Buck's words came out in a rush, a mix of vulnerability and affection. "You're shirtless, sweat dripping down your chest, head thrown back, pants unbuttoned... and that smirk of yours," Buck described, his voice filled with adoration.

Eddie felt a blush creep up his neck at the vivid image Buck painted. "Buck, that's... that's quite the picture," Eddie replied, a hint of amusement in his tone.

The shared intimacy between them in that moment was a reminder of their love and connection, a beacon of light in the midst of Buck's darkness.

As Buck's breathing steadied, the panic attack began to ebb away, leaving him exhausted but relieved. "Thank you, Eddie. I... I needed that," Buck whispered gratefully.

Eddie's voice was soft and reassuring. "Anytime, Buck. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. We're in this together, remember?"

The two men shared a moment of quiet understanding, their bond unbreakable and their love unwavering.

In the living room, Christopher glanced over at his two dads, a small smile playing on his lips. To him, Buck and Eddie were his heroes, his safe haven, his family. And in that moment, that was all that mattered. Buck took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over him as he finally pulled into the driveway of their shared home. Turning off the engine, he sat for a moment, collecting himself before gathering the grocery bags and heading inside.

Upon entering the house, Buck was greeted by the delicious aroma of dinner cooking and the sound of Christopher's laughter echoing through the living room. Eddie was in the kitchen, stirring a pot on the stove, his back to Buck.

Eddie turned around as he heard Buck enter, his eyes softening with relief at seeing Buck looking more composed than he had on the phone. "Hey there," Eddie greeted warmly, setting down the wooden spoon in his hand.

Buck offered a small smile in return, grateful for Eddie's presence. "Hey," he replied, his voice still tinged with exhaustion from the earlier panic attack.

As Eddie approached him, concern etched on his face, Buck reached out and pulled him into a tight hug. Eddie wrapped his arms around Buck, the warmth and familiarity of their embrace a comforting anchor for both of them.

"I'm sorry, Eddie," Buck whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I don't know what came over me."

Eddie shook his head, squeezing Buck tighter. "You have nothing to apologize for, Buck. We all have our moments. I'm just glad you reached out."

The two men stood in each other's arms, the sounds of their breathing mingling in the quiet of their home. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the love they shared and the strength they found in each other.

Just then, Christopher appeared in the doorway, a concerned frown on his face. "Is everything okay?" he asked, looking between his two dads.

Buck released Eddie from the hug and knelt down in front of Christopher, offering him a reassuring smile. "Everything's okay, buddy. Sometimes grown-ups get scared too, but we help each other feel better, right?"

Christopher nodded, understanding shining in his eyes as he reached out a small hand to squeeze Buck's. "Right. We're a team, remember?"

Buck's heart swelled with love for the young boy who saw him as a father figure. "Right, we're a team," Buck repeated, his voice filled with emotion.

Eddie joined them, placing a hand on Christopher's shoulder. "We're a team, all of us," Eddie affirmed, his gaze soft and loving as he looked at Buck and Christopher.

Together, the three of them stood in the kitchen, the bond between them strong and unbreakable. In that moment, they were not just a family, but a source of strength and comfort for each other, facing whatever challenges came their way with unwavering love and support.

As the evening progressed and dinner was served, laughter and lightness filled the air once more. Buck felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he was not alone in his struggles, that he had Eddie and Christopher by his side, always.

And as they sat down to eat, the love and warmth that enveloped them was a reminder of the beautiful family they had created together, a family built on trust, understanding, and above all, love.

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