The game

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Maka's Pov

"Maka,Crona,soul, and Patty are a team and liz,blackstar, tsubaki, and I are a team" Kid explained. "What's a game without a punishment" Soul said with a smirk." If we win kid has to wear only one ring for the whole day" soul explained. Kid looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Kid quickly recovered himself and said " if we win Maka has to go a whole day without reading on a weekend of course". Maka gasped " What?! But Kid I thought we were friends". Kid sighed " Well Maka since I have do give up something that's important you do to"

"It's only a ring" I mummbled as I walked to my side of the court. "Ok team mate's lets do our best my symettry is on the line" Kid said to his team mate's. "Alright guys we got this including you Maka" Soul looked at her smiling.
My face suddenly got hot and I started blushing I quickly turned around so no one can see my face. Why am I blushing. Soul has smiled at me plenty of times I'll worry about it later. "Get ready to get owned by your GOD" Blackstar yelled.


Souls pov.

"Yahoo your GOD is a winner" Blackstar boasted. "Awww what my going to do over the weekend" Maka wined. "You could always hang out with soul" Blackstar said to Maka. "What" me and Maka both said in unison Maka turned around quickly. Wait? Was Maka just blushing no it was probably my imagination that's all.

makaxsoul: love x friendshipNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ