Chapter 12

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(Madi's POV) 

Leo and Jason didn't seem to think anything was wrong, but they were wrong. They walked ahead of us and I walked back with Piper.

"Permission to kill her now or after we save Hedge?" I asked my best friend.

"Later, let's see what she wants." Piper said. I sighed disappointed.

"Let's start with the potions, shall we?" the princess said. I grumbled colorful words at her beneath my breath so she couldn't hear.

"Cool." Jason said.

"Guys," piper began, "if this–princess–is really our friend-"

"Oh, I'm more than a friend." Her Highness said, "I'm a saleswoman."






"Don't worry," Highness said, "We'll work our way down to the first floor, eh?" I glared at her.

"Sure, yeah!" leo said, "That sounds okay. Right Piper, princesa?" I blushed but shook my head.

"No, amour. Not okay." I said.

" 'amour'?" Piper said.

"NOT NOW!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Of course it's okay." Her Highness continued, "Come along boys."

"Demon." I muttered beneath my breath. But she didn't seem to hear me. Piper and I were forced to follow her, mostly because she had our friends. My ADHD was kicking in and I became impatient.

"And here," the princess said, "is the finest assortment of magical mixtures anywhere." The counter was crammed with bubbling beakers and smoking vials on tripods. The liquids inside were of every color, from a glowing white that basically blinded me, to polka dots that made me want to barf.

The princess pointed to a blood-red vial - a simple test-tube with a cork stopper, "This one will heal any disease."

"Even cancer?" Leo asked, "Leprosy? Hangnails?"

"Any disease, sweet boy. And this vial–" she pointed to a swan-shaped container with a blue liquid inside, but I wasn't paying attention. She just called Leo, my Leo, 'sweet boy'. I was livid. "–will kill you very painfully."

"Jason, we've got a job to do. Remember?" Piper said, I could tell she was trying to charm-speak them out of it. But her voice was shaky, she might be intimidated by the princess, but I sure as hell ain't.

"Job to do," Jason muttered, "Sure but shopping first, okay?" I growled more. Screw this crap

The princess beamed at him, "Then over here we have potions for resisting fire."

"Got that covered." Leo said. My mind started to get foggy as the princess kept talking.

"Indeed?" The princess studied Leo's face more closely, which I did not appreciate, "You don't seem to be wearing my trademark sunscreen. . . but no matter. We also have potions that cause blindness, insanity, sleep or–"

"Wait," Piper was staring at the red vial, "Could that potion cure lost memory?"

The princess narrowed her eyes, "Possibly. Yes. Quite possibly. Why, my dear? Have you forgotten something important?" Her voice was so soothing, I couldn't help but be taken in. I felt my mind getting foggier and more clouded with the idea of shopping. Maybe I could find a special gift for Leo? I wondered. I smiled.

(Piper's POV)

No. Oh no. Madi was being affected by the princess' voice now too. I know because Madi despises shopping.

"How much?" I asked, and pointed to the red vial.

The princess got a faraway look in her eyes. "Well, now. . . The price is always tricky. I love helping people. Honestly, I do. And I always keep my bargains, but sometimes people cheat on me." Her gaze drifted to Jason.

"Well screw those cheaters." Madi said, having the same look in her eyes as the boys. That's not good, is it?

"Yes, you're right Madison Skye Jackson. You are absolutely right." The princess smiled at my friend. Madi never said her full name. How does the princess know it? I thought but the princess kept talking, "Once, for instance, I met a handsome young man who wanted a treasure from my father's kingdom. We made a bargain, and I promised to help him steal it."

"From your own dad?" Jason still looked half in a trance but the idea seemed to bother him. Madi nodded in agreement to Jason, now stuck in the same trance.

"That sounds twisted." Madi said.

"Oh, don't worry," The princess said, "I demanded a high price. The young man had to take me away with him. He was quite good-looking, dashing, strong . . ." She looked at me, "I'm sure, my dear, you understand how one might be attracted to such a hero, and want to help him." I had to control my emotions, I knew I was blushing because all I could then think of was Jason. I began to recall old myths in my head, no way the princess was who I'm thinking of. . . and she's no Medusa so Madi wasn't right.

"At any rate," Her Highness continued, "my hero had to do many impossible tasks, and I'm not bragging when I say he couldn't have done them without me. I betrayed my own family to win the hero his prize. And he still cheated me out of my payment."

"Cheated?" Jason frowned, as if trying to remember something important.

"That's messed up." Leo said.

"Yeah, guys like that aren't worth it." Madi agreed, nodding.

Her Highness patted Leo's cheek affectionately. "I'm sure you don't need to worry, Leo. You seem honest. You would always pay a fair price, wouldn't you?" Then Her Highness muttered something about Madi under her breath but I couldn't tell what she said.

Leo nodded, "What are we buying, again? I'll take two."

Piper broke in: "So, the vial, Your Highness—how much?" The princess looked me up and down as if to put a price on one used demigod.

"Would you give anything for it, my dear?" she asked, "I sense that you would." Her words washed over me and I felt like I was floating. I wanted to say 'yes' so badly but my stomach twisted in a knot. She was charmspeaking me. Guilt filled my system, was this the feeling people got when I charmspoke them? I wondered.

"No. I won't pay any price. But a fair price, maybe. After that, we need to leave. Right, guys?" I summoned all my willpower into my statement. And for a moment, it seemed to work.

"Leave?" Jason said.

"You mean. . . after shopping?" Leo asked.

Madi hesitated before saying, "Yeah. . . leave. . . but shopping first." No. NO! Madison Dane is not a shopper. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!? 

A/N: Literally in love with this fanfic. I can't stop writing! I have a problem

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