Chapter 7

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(Madi's POV again bc I dont wanna do Jason hehe)

"You were amazing Piper!" Jason said. Piper smiled softly. I knew that the compliment would've made her day but instead she said : "Si vous saviez la vérité sur moi, vous ne penseriez pas que je suis si bien." I looked at her. (If you knew the truth about me you wouldn't think I was so great.) I replied,

"Qu'est-ce que tu caches, Piper ?" (What are you hiding Piper?) I think she forgot I could speak French in the heat of the moment because she looked at me guiltily.

"What'd you two say?" Jason asked us.

"Nothing." We said in unison. Leo had been quiet for a while, but he held my hands that were around his waist like he was scared I was going to vanish.

"Did you two know Madi could speak French?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. Back at the Wilderness school our English teacher had us teach her english; and since then we've been friends. But Madi and her mom also knew Spanish when they visited my mom and I when we were kids." Leo explained. I smiled, they were such good memories. I buried my face into Leo's back and tapped something in morse code. He tapped something back, I looked at Piper and mouthed :I did it! Piper stared at me. I tapped more on Leo, and he looked back at me smiling.

"What's going on?" Jason asked. Piper shushed him. Leo and I gazed into each other's eyes and I teared up, hugging him. We talked more in morse code while Piper and Jason were looking at us from behind.

"Je t'aime Léo" I said as I fell asleep. (I love you Leo).

(Jason bc I haven't done him in a while)

"Man, I can't believe Khione!" Leo complained, "She looked so nice. I mean not Madi nice, but nice."

"Look man," I said, "snow may look pretty, but it's cold and nasty. You're better off with Madi."

"Speaking of which," Piper said, looking at Leo accusingly, "Someone here has some explaining to do." We were talking about their tapping conversation. I knew Leo was blushing. He didn't have to look at us, or tell us, his body language said it all. I was stuck thinking about my sister Thalia. Yes, we looked nothing alike except for our blue eyes. Piper fell asleep and it seemed for only moments the boys were silent. Until Festus stopped. We all fell off.

(Madi's Pov bc I love them!)

I woke up falling. So I did the logical thing, I screamed my head off and looked for Leo. Leo fell past me screaming,

"Not cooooooooooool!"

"What happened!?" I screamed, reaching for his hand. But I missed it by an inch. Suddenly there was an arm around me and I began to punch things.

"Calm down, it's us!" Piper said. I looked before I punched. It was Jason and Piper.

"We need to get Leo!" I said. I screamed as our slowing fall got bumpy. I think Piper did too but the sound was ripped from our mouths. Suddenly another warm body slammed into us squirming.

"Leo!" Piper said.

"Repair Boy! It's me!" I added. Leo looked up and looked in my eyes.

"We gotta save Festus!" He protested.

"I know!"

"I can't–" Jason didn't need to finish. His face was straining and beat red, he couldn't carry them all. We fell like stones to the earth. We heard a giant crash below us.

"Festus!" Leo cried. I tried to pull him in but my hand was slipping, he gripped it tighter in morse code. I got you. I'm not going anywhere. I pulled him in and hugged his shirt. He held onto me and I held onto him. We crashed into the warehouse below. I heard Leo and Jason's voices, I saw Piper's ankle.

"Dude, get off of me!" I heard Leo tell Jason, "I'm not a sofa!"

"Piper?" Jason called. Piper called back, her voice barely a whisper.

"Madi!?" Leo called to me.

"L-Leo?" I shook and sat up. I was barely able to sit up.

"Madi, Piper, stay where you are!" Jason directed.

"We ain't going anywhere superman!" I replied snarky. I heard Leo and Jason making their way up the stairs to us. I stared at Piper's foot, I don't think toes are supposed to look like that. Piper saw too, and she had to look away. I tried to make my way over to her, but saw black dots and sat back down.

"Are you two okay?" Leo saw Piper's foot, "Oh you're not." He looked at me and he paled. Jason followed.

"Piper, your foot." Jason said. I managed to crawl over. And took Piper's hand. The boys reset Piper's foot and she punched Leo in the arm.

"Jeez Beauty Queen. Glad my face wasn't there."

"Call me Beauty Queen again and I will punch you in the face."

Leo and Jason turned to me. I suddenly felt something stinging me,

"OW!!" I screeched, feeling my side. My hand came back bloody. Luckily Leo had his coat back so that wasn't bloody, just my favorite green shirt.

"Madi..." Leo said, seeing the wound.

"Madi, what happened?" Jason asked.

"Ow," I flinched, then glared at him, "Does it look like I know?"

"Princesa, that needs to be bandaged. Before you lose any more blood." Leo came over and fed me some ambrosia. He handed Jason some gauze and bandages from his toolbelt. Jason covered the wound and used the water from my canteen to clean it.

"Deep breaths Madi," Jason said, "It will help control the bleeding –I hope– just breathe." Next time I looked at the wound it was healing and covered in bandages. I looked at Leo again and remembered.


"Yeah, I don't know what happened." Leo admitted helping me up.

"Where are we?" Piper asked.

"Well, I'm guessing we're at an abandoned car plant in Detroit." Leo motioned to the graffiti sign on the wall.

"How far is that from Chicago?" I asked, leaning on Leo further.

"About three fourths from Quebec? But without the dragon we're stuck traveling overland." Jason guessed.

"We can't do that!" Piper said, "It's not safe, and you can't fly four people across the country on your own."

"No way," Jason agreed, "But what happened with Festus? Did he malfunction? I mean he is pretty old–"

"And I may not have repaired him right?" Leo looked to Jason. I knew he was offended. I was standing easily now.

"Maybe you could fix him?" I prompted. Leo needed someone to support him. And I was supposed to be that person, but I had gotten this stupid gash from the ceiling when we fell.

"It's my fault." Piper said. I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Piper it couldn't have been," Jason said gently, "You and Madi were asleep when Festus conked out."

"Yeah, don't blame yourself." Leo agreed, not even popping a joke, "You're in pain. Rest."

"You two stay with Piper. Imma go find Festus." Leo left. A few moments later I got up.

"I'm going to help Leo. He can't solve every problem alone." I left the two love birds to do their talking. 

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