A new beginning

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Sheena: I had a hearty breakfast of aaloo Paratha and curd along with achar cooked by mom before heading towards my bike

As I was about to put my helmet I heard the most familiar and favourite sound of his car that's about to leave the driveway

I thought of speaking to him and telling him about the nervousness that I am feeling because of this job I called him Arhaan 
He just look at me and waved his hand signalling me to come towards his direction

I went there he came out of the car and out of excitement and nervousness I just stay there keeping my head low and playing with my fingers he asked in his charming voice

What happened rabbit why are you behaving like a shy girl who just came out to meet his lover

I snapped my head towards him and said it's not like that I am just now it's about my job and don't know how to convey this
He patted my head and said it's normal it happens to everyone and your exceptional and you will do great don't worry today I will be your chauffeur as I am also going  towards the same destination as you

I was confused for a moment and understanding my confusion he is told that  he has to meet the chairman of the hospital in the meeting is held in the hospital itself

I nodded my head and went towards the other side ... As I was about to open the door he said let me do it ma'am ...
I move aside showing the fake attitude and signal him to do his work
He laughed and opened the door for me

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