Those eyes told my heart to STOP

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Gavi looked at his hands and he was shaking.What the hell is going on.He has never been nervous for a game ever.His emotions before the game was usually just excitement.But right now,in this tunnel,he felt nervous.He looked to his right and saw Jude standing next to him.Whoooa,the guy was truely handsome.Very tall,strong arms,plump lips

He wondered how those lips would feel on his.How those arms would cuddle him to sleep after a bad game,how his legs would connect around him when Fuckin...How..

"Lets go boys.."Shouted the teams captain and Gavi opened his eyes wide.He just had wild thoughts for the guy he didnt care about and almost had a bonner,One that could be seen by thousands of people."How lonely and Horny am I??" he murmed as the team was walking up to the pitch"

"Huh??" Jude looked at the boy beside him. "Are you talking to me??"he asked
His words were lost in the screams of the thousands of fans that travelled from all over the world to watch them play.

He looked at the boy who just looked down with that resting bitch face of his.

Jude was so confused.He could swear he heard that boy say something but he cant figure out why he would even dare talk to him."He is trying to Intimidate me"Jude thought,Just like Vini said he would. Jude has always been kind and respectful to his opponents but he didnt know how to handle his enemy.The enemy he made up in his head.Sometimes he blames how people on social media have influenced his perception of the boy.How they have convinced him that he robbed him of the Kopa trophy.How he let Vinis experience with the boy cloud his judgement.There is no going back now,he hated him,and he was going to use that hate to dunk on him.This was the moment to show the world that he is better than Gavi.Its now or Never(or maybe a month or so but who cares".

The first half of the game was insane.It was full of adrenaline.The boy was tougher than what Vini and Carlo told him he will be.As short as he was,he was very tough,pushing,shoving,and insulting Jude as the game went on.He played dirty.Now he understands why Vini hates him.But he also noticed how passionate the boy is for his club.The whole game,he was setting the temple for the opposing team.He played Jude offside twice just to fuck with his head.The boy was good,really good.Jude is being out played and its annoying him.

And then it happened.In The 78th minute of the game,still 0-0,the boy slapped his ass!His ASS,why did he do that??Rodrygo produced a good pass to Jude and the boy slapped his ass as he run around jude to stop him getting a touch on the ball.Jude did a 180 and looked him in the eyes.He wanted to shout at him for touching his ass.He wanted to lose it because there was something that excited him about the boys touch.It didnt anger him,it rather made him excited.Excited for what??he will probably never know.But this is a fucken football game and he probably did that to destruct him.He was not gonna have that.He dont know what happened but the boy just froze.Literally just did not move.This was an opportunity for Jude to act and Fast.He took the ball,dribbled past Kounde and Hit a beautiful shot at ter stegan.He stood no chance. 🗣️"1-0 to Real Madrid,Juuuudeee Bellingham"

The commentator shouted on the huge speakers as the bernabeu errapted.He did his signature celebration and his teammates run up to him to congratulate him.He had done it.His first goal during Elclassico.The fans are going to Love him.His family and friends will be proud of him,And all the "Gavi vs Jude" agenda was going to die today.He has WON!!.

Gavi Froze.He couldnt Move.He let his intrusive thoughts win and slapped Jude on the Ass.For no fucken reason.His ass had been distructing him the whole game and he just had to touch it.He felt like he had no choice.And then something strange Happened.The Boy turned around and looked him dead in the eyes.As soon as their eyes met,His heart stopped.Nothing.He could feel Nothing.Its like his Eyes told his heart to STOP beating!!.In a split second he watched as Jude got the ball,dunk on Kounde and scored.He could hear Araujo go "What the Hell Gavi,What was that??"

He couldnt speak.He just watched as the other madrid players run up to Jude to celebrate.He was gutted.He knew he played better than him today.He had him locked down.He had 3 shots on target,created 2 big chances and all that went down the drain because of what??he was lonely and horny for the guy he just met??a Guy he didnt care about??this is not like him.His rule is to never have anything with a football player.As much as the culture surrounding different sexual orientations in the footballing industry has changed and people are more open minded,he knew it would just be chaos.He has tried his best to kill one and all crushes he has ever had with a football player,dating back to his days in La Masia.Then why is he now fantasing about the "enemy" in a big game like this??Why everytime the boy looks him in the eyes he cannot breath??why did he feel like his heart Stopped??He had a lot of questions.

The rest of the game was a blur to him.The game ended with them losing because of him.Because the one time he was given a chance to show the people why he won the Kopa trophy over Jude fucken Bellingham,he just froze.When the final whistle blew,He wanted to cry.He wanted to cry so bad but he couldnt.He knows for sure everybody can see he froze.It may be for a second but he was sure it was captured everywhere.He knew now he was a laughing stock on the socials.He didnt want to add fuel to the fire by crying.He will cry when he gets home,He will be strong.

"Gavi,Wait for me please.." His bestfriend pedri run up to him as he made his way down the tunnel.

"Pedri,please,i need to be alone for a few minutes,i need to think.I will join yall in the locker rooms later"

"Okay" Pedri nods and walks away.He knew his bestfriend.He knew he was blaming himself for the loss.He knew he needed the space and he was going to Give it to Him.

Gavi wanted some time to himself.Some peace.He needed time alone with his thoughts.He had a lot of questions for them.He needed answers.

He saw a door labelled "Nap Room" and he reached out to open it.He didnt want to take a Nap but he figured after a massive win,nobody from the Madrid team would want to take a Nap so it was a good place for him to just think.He didnt care if it was not allowed for the visiting team players to use it.He will deal with the consequences later.He needed this time alone for his own sanity.

He opened door,saw that no one was there and jumped in the nearest bed,face down and just broke down.He was overwhelmed.He could see the hate tweets in his head.The instagram memes.The tiktoks being made.This was going to be one hell of a week,literally.He Cried harder just thinking about it.

Jude couldn"t find his Phone.After celebrating with his mum and team mates,he needed to talk to his brother and dad.

"Brahim,Where the fuck is my phone??"

"How the fuck would i know??" Brahim answered sarcastically.
"Maybe you left it in the Nap room you fucken baby" Vini Chimed in."Remember you sent me a Be real in there??"

"ooh shit,i might have.Let me go get it"

........To Be Continued..,..

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