Chapter 11

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(Piper's POV)

I woke up and immediately knew something happened between Madi and Leo last night. Ladi, is their ship name. And they better HAPPEN!! Everyone else woke up and we broke camp. We started down the tunnel but it twisted and turned like crazy. None of us were sure what was at the end, but we were prepared for anything. Instead, we found polished steel elevator doors, each one engraved with a cursive letter M. Next to the elevator was a directory, like for a departure store.

"M for Macy's?" I guessed, "I think they have one in downtown Chicago."

"Or Monocle Motors, still?" Leo said.

"Hopefully neither of those, or Medusa." Madi shuttered.

"Guys, read the directory. It's messed up." Leo added.

Parking Kennels, Main Entrance                             Sewer Levels

Furnishings and Café M                                                             1

Women's Fashion and Magical Appliances                      2

Men's Wear and Weaponry                                                       3

Cosmetics, Potions, Poisons, and Sundries                    4

Disgusting, "Kennels for what?" I asked, "And what kind of departure store has an entrance in a sewer?"

"Maybe the kind that does illegal things and is part of the Black Market." Madi guessed.

"Or sells poisons." Leo said, "Man, what does 'sundries' even mean? Is that like underwear?"

"Leo selling poisons most likely would be a Black Market item." Madi mentioned.

Jason took a deep breath, "When in doubt, start at the top."

"Why the top!?" Madi exclaimed confusedly.

The doors slid open on the fourth floor, and the scent of perfume wafted into the elevator. Jason stepped out first, sword ready.

"Guys," he said, "You've got to see this."

I joined him and my breath caught in my throat, "This is not Macy's"

"Or the Black Market." Madi sighed dejectedly. The store looked like the inside of a kaleidoscope. The entire ceiling was a stained glass mosaic with astrological signs around a giant sun. The daylight streaming through washed everything in a thousand different colors. The upper floors made a ring of balconies around a huge central atrium, so they could see all the way down to the ground floor. Gold railings glittered so brightly, they were hard to look at.

"Ugh, it's blinding me!" Madi complained. I will say, Madi has changed, no not in height, but definitely changed. And I love the new her. Aside from the stained glass ceiling and the elevator, we couldn't see any more windows or other doors, but two sets of glass escalators ran between levels. The carpeting was a riot of oriental patterns and colors, and the racks of merchandise were just as bizarre. There was too much to take in at once. In the center of the atrium was a fountain that sprayed water twenty feet into the air, changing color from red to yellow to blue. The pool was littered with gold coins, and on either side of the fountain stood a gilded cage. It was like an oversized canary cage. Inside one, a miniature hurricane swirled and lightning flashed. Somebody imprisoned the storm spirits, and the cage shuttered as they tried to get out. In the other, frozen like a statue, was a short yet buff satyr (i died internally when saying he was buff help) holding a tree-branch club.

"Coach Hedge!" I said, "We've got to get down there."

Madi laughed, "Who'd be crazy enough to capture the storm spirits? And Coach Hedge?"

A voice said, "It isn't nice to call people crazy, but may I help you find something?"

(Madi's POV)

I frowned, "Yeah can you point me to an exit?" She frowned back at me and I opened my mouth again but Jason beat me to it,

"Is this your store?" Dammit Jason. I thought. You're like my brother but really? I sighed. This is going to take foreeeeeeveeeeer. I hate shopping with a passion.

"I found it abandoned, you know." The woman said, "I understand so many stores are, these days. I decided it would be the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed a good . . . how do you say . . . first acquisition for this country." Based on that sentence I'm assuming she's not from this country. She spoke with an accent, but I couldn't tell what kind. I knew for a fact it wasn't American, or French, or Spanish. Jason seemed to relax from his formerly tense position, I, on the other hand, kept my hands ready at my sides where my knives were. One was bronze, and the other was imperial gold like Jason's sword.

"So, you're new to America?" Jason asked the strange lady.

"I am. . . new," the woman agreed. "I am the Princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now, what are you looking for?" I frown again. Piper poked the blonde's ribs and muttered his name but he didn't seem to listen.

"Right, um. Actually Your Highness-" I face-palmed as Jason pointed to the cage Gleeson was in, "that's our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we. . . have him back, please?"

"Of course!" the woman replied, "I would love to show you my inventory. First, may I know your names?" Jason hesitated. Piper and I shared a look and nodded.

"Jason I wouldn't–" Piper began. I sighed, way to be calm Pipes. I smacked the side of his head and harshly said:

"Stranger Danger dude!!" But Jason didn't seem to hear either of us because he introduced our group anyway.

"This is Piper," He said, "This is Leo. The black haired girl is Madi. And I'm Jason." The princess fixed her eyes on him for a moment, her face glowing she was almost ablaze with anger. I could see her skull under her skin.

"Jason, what an interesting name." she said, "I think we'll have to make a special deal for you. Let's go shopping." My eyes widened.






A/N: I literally love this chapter. I can't stop writing! I'm loving this fanfic right now!

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