Chapter 38

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She found Hecat and Fig waiting outside the doors as promised. Hecat gave her a sympathetic look.

"Hello little eagle. I'm sorry to hear about Lodgok." Genevieve nodded.

"I suppose I've just got to push forward for now. It's the best way to honor his memory." Hecat patted her shoulder.

"Good girl." Flanked by her Professors Genevieve strode into the Map Room.

"Professor Bakar I need you to give me that trial now. Ranrok knows where the last repository is and he's going to be coming for it as we speak."

"This is grave news indeed. We had hoped for more time to discuss the best path forward," said Rackham.

"The best path is to provide this young woman with the tools to protect herself and Hogwarts. You could always simply give her the information straight away and save us some time but I suspect you are still insisting upon these trials despite the severity of the situation," said Professor Hecat.

"They are necessary yes," said Rookwood.

"Well, the longer we delay the more danger everyone is in," said Professor Fig.

"How could Ranrok know where the repository was?" said Bakar.

"He has the journals of a goblin called Bragbor," replied Genevieve.

"We obliviated Bragbor! He kept journals? But why would he have documented it? How could he know what the repository contained!?" exclaimed Rookwood.

"Isidora," said Genevieve thinking it was rather obvious. "And presumably he documented it because he didn't trust solely to his memory around people with the capability to wipe it clean." Genevieve wasn't sure how she felt about obliviating Bragbor. It certainly seemed like they'd used his skill then gotten rid of the evidence.

"I understand you wish to protect this secret but Ranrok has already unearthed it. We are out of time. Now you must either trust Miss Smith to counter Ranrok or leave all of Hogwarts and by extension the wizarding world to Ranrok's mercy," said Professor Fig.

"What good is protecting this secret if Ranrok gets a hold of the power?" asked Genevieve. The Keepers exchanged glances Bakar still looked skeptical. At last Rackham said.

"I believe they are correct we do not have a choice. And considering Miss Smith has already seen the rest of our memories there is little point hiding the rest of the tale from her now San." Professor Bakar sighed.

"Very well. Though you are a great deal more insolent and forward than I would like. The next trial will involve an exceptional level of magical skill and a nuanced ability to interact with beasts."

"Beasts," murmured Genevieve curiously.

"Find a face of stone and tendrils," said Rackham. "I as usual advise that you must engage with any beast that is part of the trial..."

"On her own yes we understood that quite clearly," said Fig tersely. Rackham looked displeased at being cut off.

"Yes. Professor Bakar will meet you in the pensieve room."

"I can hardly wait," quipped Genevieve who was starting to feel the stress of the situation. They turned to look at the starry map which had highlighted a point on the coast.

"I take it that's where we start our search for a face of stone and tendrils," said Hecat. "Shall we?"

"After you," said Genevieve gesturing for her defense teacher to take the lead and together the trio departed.


They apparated to the spot marked on the coast. It was a sort of ravine at the end of it was a wall covered in ivy and carved into the ground was a swirled design of sorts

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