Chapter 37

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Genevieve felt the ripple effect from Sebastian's actions as they entered the middle of May. Sebastian had steadily been avoiding Ominis and Genevieve ever since they'd delivered their verdict. She supposed Sebastian's guilt was the motivator for pushing them away but she couldn't even discuss the matter with him. Hell Ominis roomed with Sebastian and had apparently been barely able to get more than a few pleasantries out of him.

All in all, it left Genevieve feeling rather low and that was on top of the stress of waiting for word from Lodgok and the fourth trial. Apparently, it started to show because one day Professor Fig stopped her after their patronus lesson.

Said lessons had slowed in pace. While she was now able to repeatedly produce a caporal patronus getting it to speak a full sentence was still a challenge at best managing a few garbled sounds. Professor Fig encouraged her though not to get discouraged given the complexity of the spell.

As they ended their lesson he laid a hand on her shoulder.


"Yes Professor?" she asked.

"Is something wrong? Beyond the mild frustration over the spell?" he enquired eyes full of concern that still felt foreign to her. Genevieve sighed.

"Just some friendship troubles. Nothing to be to worried about," she said quietly and it wasn't a complete lie. But she could hardly come clean about everything to Fig. Though in retrospect she was rather wishing she'd come to a teacher when they'd found the relic.

"If you're sure," said Professor Fig still looking worried.

"I am," she assured him. "But I appreciate you asking." Professor Fig didn't push further for which Genevieve was grateful. The last thing she'd want to do is lie to him. Never him.


The letter from Lodgok came one evening a few days after her talk with Professor Fig. Genevieve was out in the thestral stables brushing down Hela when an owl flew in carrying a letter. Surprised Genevieve took the letter and opened it.

My Dear Friend,

I found one of Ranrok's drills in a mine along the shore. I intend to destroy it. I am tired of trying to reason with him. You are welcome to join me. But if I don't see you there, I will reach out when I return. I have something to give you.


Genevieve's eyes widened at the thought of her friend going into one of those mines alone. Desperately she went over her options. Fig and Hecat were in the weekly staff meeting which she had no idea when it would be out. She hadn't the faintest clue where Evelyn and Ominis were and didn't have time to look for them for back up either even if she wanted to bring them. That left her with little choice but to go on her own. As for getting there. She didn't know how to get there herself without a floo flame. As she pondered Hela nuzzled her shoulder and the answer came to Genevieve.

Faster than she'd ever run in her life Genevieve hurried back to the Room of Requirement she left a note saying where she had gone and gathered some potions and her coat before hurrying back down. It wasn't curfew yet but there weren't many people out now.

"I need your help," she said softly to the thestral as she led it outside the main courtyard and climbed astride. Then leaning close to its ear she described the location of the coastal mine. The thestral leapt into the air and began to soar towards the coast. As they flew through the darkening sky, she could smell the air getting saltier.

At last Hela dipped down and landed on the beach where she saw a metal door built into the rock side. As soon as Genevieve dismounted Hela took off again landing on the top of the cliff above presumably to keep out of sight while also watching for Genevieve's return.

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